Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Home on the Mountain

Monday, September 21, 2009
We're watching old movies today. Old movies because we don't have any movies to watch other than what basic Dish TV is showing, and old is what is on. Frequently shown and old. We watched CitySlickers four times yesterday. Today started with Star Wars, and presently Caddyshack is the diversion. Bill Murray hunting gophers at night with a rifle and a flashlight reminds me of a couple of other nut-cases back in Sacramento : Our ex-next door neighbor Darryl and myself. Between hunting squirrels in the walnut trees and rats in the eves, Darryl and I were always hunting some kinda rodent. The damn squirrels would eat every walnut the trees could produce if you let them, and their mess was atrocious. The rats were rats. I remember the neighbors had mixed feelings about us shooting the squirrels. Actually their reactions were mixed between approval, and disapproval and calling the cops. I remember one Summer Darryl had 105 tick marks before the police came out, twice, and threatened to arrest him if he was caught killing squirrels a third time. There still wasn't a shortage of squirrels stealing walnuts and making a mess. I couldn't understand the fuss. About the time Darryl would be forced to back off in the war of the nuts, well, that's about when I'd take over. Hey, those squirrels were wraskly little bastards, I enjoyed the hell out of hunting them. I remember disguising my actions by backing the motorhome under the trees and opening the vents on top all the way. When the screw up lids were up you could shoot from inside the motorhome into the tree without being seen from the outside. One day I dropped a fat squirrel at the feet of an old chinese woman walking up the sidewalk. I wasn't sure how she was going to react but she looked up and smiled. She either didn't like squirrels, or she did and thought it was lunch, but obviously dead squirrel met with her approval. It was a shame the day the SWAT team came out and put an end to my fun. I can't be sure but it was my guess they were actually disappointed when I set my pellet rifle down and stepped away from it upon their arrival . Damn squirrels were uncontrollable after they started receiving police protection. I sold the house shortly thereafter and Darryl died that winter. Squirrels are running the place now. Goddamn Government. Funny how things work out. I might not be an outlaw now if society hadn't ostracized me over some damn rodents. We got squirrels here but no walnut trees. They can live 'til they start stealing from me, after that it's on ! Anyway, no matter where you're at, there you are. Here's where I'll be for a while longer. Set the new stereo up today. It's almost time to rock and roll. Tuesday is the Autumnal eqinox . Slipping into darkness ..............
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