Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Industrial War Machine

Recently I watched  the speaker of the house discuss the need to make cuts to entitlement programs, Social Security, Medicare and other services,  and noticed he didn't once talk about cutting defense spending. Absurd. It's been ten years since the "The War On Terror" began. Afghanistan, Iraq,  Libya, .....endless war. America's incessant military aggressiveness since has been a militia manufacturer's wet dream. These wars haven't been defensive; they've been lies, they've been maddening, they historically will be exposed as pure deceit and the catalyst of American demise, in addition to being offensive and Imperialistic.  And all while America has spent herself broke and been robbed blind by her leaders, whom now want to further betray the people. Enough! Stop the Goddamn Wars!
         Bombs are expensive.  WW2 Iron wrapped explosives are cheap, but guidance systems for modern bombs are around 20k, and the price goes up from that point depending on the bomb. Those Tomahawk cruise missiles that we fired/fire on Libya cost about 1 million to 1.5 million each. We know too well the price of what it costs to show up and fire a few. War isn't cheap and we have been waging it on other people's land for ten solid years. The question now  is, " America are you willing to relinquish your medical care  and Social Security in order to continue to wage war? , Are you willing to watch your country's infrastructure crumble while you destroy other countries with your money? Are you willing to work more, get less, and watch things continue to deteriorate across the board here at home, while your leaders play political games and don't even mention the wars when they discuss the debt problems?
       It is time for a cultural revolution America. It is time for some fundamental changes in our government that put in end to the plutocracy that grips our nations politics. The endless wars must end. Lobbyists and specials interest must be banned from corrupting the system of true democracy.  And the American people must be heard again. Stop the Wars. Reduce defense spending by at least 50%. Invest in building America, not destroying other countries.  Goddamn maddening watching special interests buy our politicians like rats at a pet store.