I am totally outraged. Start the Revolution.
Remember way back when folk singers would refuse to pay the portion of their taxes that were spent on war? Well we can call Joan Baez and tell her it's time to rebel; The Obama administration is proposing a " War tax" to finance the war in Afghanistan . Won't that make it easy to know what taxes NOT to pay? How about the next trillion to ... " finish the job ".
What are you getting for your Trillion dollars, America ? Is " finishing the job", whatever that line of crap means regarding Afghanistan, more important than America's infrastructure, health care, or securing our own border with Mexico ?
Another trillion dollars and a war tax for Afghanistan, while America's currency, property, and standard of living all decline in value and quality? Is Obama crazy, or are we stupid enough to allow it? What are you getting for your trillion dollars America..........reamed!
I expressed my view on this " finish the job" line of crap previously, (Here's the Deal, 02AUG09)
if the Obama administration continues the same Imperialistic policies of the Bush administration, which I might remind you are based on lies and a Zeitgeist, then he is just another puppet, and one puppet is the same as another, no better.
Thirty thousand more troops in Afghanistan ,.... for what? Finish the Job.
What job? Catch Osama? ...............No, the job is to clear the TAPI * pipeline route. Nobody's looking for Osama. Money wants to start the project in 2010.
*The Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline (TAP or TAPI) is a proposed natural gas pipeline being developed by the Asian Development Bank. The pipeline will transport Caspian Sea natural gas from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan into Pakistan and then to India. Proponents of the project see it as a modern continuation of the Silk Road. The Afghan government is expected to receive 8% of the project's revenue.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
When Grey Consumes All
.............and leaves paint their seasonal masterpiece daily until Winter when grey consumes all. ( Shorter days 30AUG09)
The leaves have all hit the ground. In the end their bright colors desert them and they fall in the rain brown like the earth from which they grew. The grey of winter takes over Happy Camp road this time of year. No longer passable through the mountains and into California, traffic consists of visitors to the snow park eleven miles up the road whom return in grey cars covered with road spray, and my few neighbors.
Grey clouds cover the sky. The Sun don't shine, the birds don't fly. Blue is not a color now but an emotion.
Fog obliterates the view until only the closest trees stand distinct in their grey outlines. The surrounding ridges, furthest first, nearest last, have been swallowed .
On the north side of the ridge, at Bradland, direct sunlight will only reach the cabin for three hours a day, from Mid-November to Mid-February. The Grey of the shade.
Soon, grey snow will creep down from the higher altitudes to make it's seasonal two week appearance , and then retreat with the winter solstice and longer days. Winter's grey will be most dominant then; Colorless, Cabin fevered, lonely, secluded, Greeeeeey. Soon, but not now , Now it's Thanksgiving and time to be grateful for another year and rewards reaped with it.
I'm grateful the truck still runs, the house is built, the toilet is working, I'm healthy and maybe fit, my new teeth fit, that the world is still spinning, that the money goes to the bank, that the Chinese are still underwriting us, and I can still speak Chinese. I'm grateful for a whole bunch of other shit that I don't need to publicly acknowledge. AND... I'm most grateful that the miracle of life is still being enjoyed by all of you. HAPPY THANKSGIVING
The leaves have all hit the ground. In the end their bright colors desert them and they fall in the rain brown like the earth from which they grew. The grey of winter takes over Happy Camp road this time of year. No longer passable through the mountains and into California, traffic consists of visitors to the snow park eleven miles up the road whom return in grey cars covered with road spray, and my few neighbors.
Grey clouds cover the sky. The Sun don't shine, the birds don't fly. Blue is not a color now but an emotion.
Fog obliterates the view until only the closest trees stand distinct in their grey outlines. The surrounding ridges, furthest first, nearest last, have been swallowed .
On the north side of the ridge, at Bradland, direct sunlight will only reach the cabin for three hours a day, from Mid-November to Mid-February. The Grey of the shade.
Soon, grey snow will creep down from the higher altitudes to make it's seasonal two week appearance , and then retreat with the winter solstice and longer days. Winter's grey will be most dominant then; Colorless, Cabin fevered, lonely, secluded, Greeeeeey. Soon, but not now , Now it's Thanksgiving and time to be grateful for another year and rewards reaped with it.
I'm grateful the truck still runs, the house is built, the toilet is working, I'm healthy and maybe fit, my new teeth fit, that the world is still spinning, that the money goes to the bank, that the Chinese are still underwriting us, and I can still speak Chinese. I'm grateful for a whole bunch of other shit that I don't need to publicly acknowledge. AND... I'm most grateful that the miracle of life is still being enjoyed by all of you. HAPPY THANKSGIVING
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Long Run
Life of course is a long run that passes in an instant. Insignificant in comparison to the cycles of the universe called time, yet powerful in what can be accomplished in the blink, Life is fragile, precious, insignificant and all that matters. Algae in the pond and all that should be revered, both. At your age it's the "long run" part that should be emphasized. Looking behind yourselves you should understand about "in an instant".
Two thirds of a moment ago you were babies in my arms, staring into my eyes as I fed you a bottle. One third of a moment ago children and teenagers. Now as you enter the Summer of your lives, and I into Fall, remember that the "long run" is far too short not to be happy, far too fragile to live for tomorrow, far too unpredictable to be afraid, far to precious to squander, and far too ridiculous to take seriously. Stay healthy and live. He whom lives Longest and Happiest is the winner. Most of being the winner, of being happy is up to you; Consciousness is all we really have, when it is gone .... pick your ending now and go where you want because it's already over. Meanwhile, learn from your past, and live forward and happy. In each of our individual moments one can live several lives, learn from each, and be happier as the succession progresses.
Never be desperate. You always have my love and support. I will always hide you if necessary.
Two thirds of a moment ago you were babies in my arms, staring into my eyes as I fed you a bottle. One third of a moment ago children and teenagers. Now as you enter the Summer of your lives, and I into Fall, remember that the "long run" is far too short not to be happy, far too fragile to live for tomorrow, far too unpredictable to be afraid, far to precious to squander, and far too ridiculous to take seriously. Stay healthy and live. He whom lives Longest and Happiest is the winner. Most of being the winner, of being happy is up to you; Consciousness is all we really have, when it is gone .... pick your ending now and go where you want because it's already over. Meanwhile, learn from your past, and live forward and happy. In each of our individual moments one can live several lives, learn from each, and be happier as the succession progresses.
Never be desperate. You always have my love and support. I will always hide you if necessary.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Three Plus Three

That of course set me to thinking of how wonderful life is, and how important it is to be enlightened to being happy. This is all we get. Enjoy all that lives in between your ears, and throw the rest out. Be happy. Remember "Life is wonderful, every miserable moment." and life will be wonderful.
I got to thinking about Life. And death. Then I got to thinking about near death experiences .....I mean, ..Why doesn't anybody ever die and feel their skin burn and see the devil poking their ass with a pitch-fork and , ......Whew that was a close one, .. guess I better tell people I saw Stars and glowing people holding their hands out. Hell, you can hit anysonbitch in the head with a bar and they'll see stars. Heaven above but nobody seems to see themselves roasting to death. Well, at least not those that die and return.
The beauty of the day compells me to write. Living on the California-Oregon border, I often watch storms split on the same border. It can be California sunshine or the Pacific Northwest. Raining here today. Sunny also. The border. There are black clouds with silver linings and silver clouds with black linings; Holes of clear blue sky and trails of rain; There are rainbows that stop at your doorstep, big bands of color so close one looks for a leprechaun and is sure they're in Oz. At times the leaves blow by the windows in gusts of a suspense thriller, and at other times all is silent. The weather channel informs me it's a blizzard up north in the Pacific Northwest. The ridge across from me is half orange, half green in no particular fashion., but very Halloweenish in accordance with landscaping done by the force of nature and the cycle of life. I can feel the valleys isolation , seclusion, and safety, as the onslaught of winter prepares to announce itself to the comfortable, serene, Fall of the West coast. Oh,...and 2012 is closer everyday.
The Octoberfest room is complete, furnished , comfortable. Firewood is stocked and the house is too warm. A wild cat has adopted the space underneath the house and we (the dog and I) feed it occasionally. My rodent guard. I don't overfeeeeed it. I hope it's a mountain lion cub. My mountain lion cub. When it eats Shep the partner dog I'll know, and feed it more. Paw, the partner Cat!
It's all good. I was looking for some ....cat to live under the house. I've been approached three times in the last two weeks to sell. The property next door has been sold and the new owners need my water. Decent people. I feel bad that they need my water and I've been advised not to give it up. "Whiskey is for drinking and water is for fighting ", the father of the new owner quoted, attributing the remark to W. C. Fields. When I corrected him, noting it was Samuel Clemens, he remarked " Well it must have been W.C.fields that made it famous." Only Mark knows. I guess nobody has heard of Mr. Twain. Anyway, only Sam knows, and he's given credit though it can't be verified. Don't say a damn word about W.C. Fields, though he might have drank with Mr. Clemens, I admit, I don't care. It's all good, I like being right, and owning the water, and thinking I can roll if I like.
There is no place like the State of Jefferson. Freedom and privacy as it should be in America. No place like home and a toilet to sit on. Nothing like a warm house and all the comforts. I might shower today. It's an option. Can you hear the softness in my voice? 1100 days later, Life is different in the mountains of Southwest Oregon. Slower , Quieter, less stressful, comfortable. Hard to return from one life to the other. The border is glowing more now than burning.
I can understand property values continuing to rise and more interest in Bradland; There are a bunch of people in California whom want to escape taxes and each other, and still enjoy West coast climate. Where ya' gonna hide? West and South of I-5
Three years and three days into the deal..... I'm not inclined to leave . At least not without a Profit. Is money worth holding anymore? Are Big Mac's and fish filet's 20% smaller but the same price ? The box is smaller too. Never fall in Love with an investment. Problem is,...it's all good and I got no where to go that's as much fun as
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