What to do with a Killer whale? 1. Let him go. (and hope he doesn't start stalking the beaches around Florida.) 2. Continue to show him. ( Who will swim with Tukillum ) 3. Quietly give him to the Japanese and don't look back. Write off the loss.
The reason as to why this Killer whale is still swimming might be in that write-off: What is a fully trained whale worth to a place like Seaworld? When he was in Canada "........local media reports estimated the whale's value at about $1 million. Since then, Tilikum (it's real name) has sired 13 whale calves, making it one of the most prolific—and most valuable—captive orcas in the world." This ain't no goldfish, but maybe the Golden Goose. His value today is up to 10 million.
"..... officials have said they are leaving the whale's fate in the hands of SeaWorld's experts. Between its three locations, SeaWorld owns about half of the orcas in captivity. Park officials have said the whale will not be destroyed, or freed, as a result of the accident."
It won't be freed or destroyed, .....as a result of the accident. Three deaths associated with this killer whale,... and this was an accident? From the eye witness accounts the whale seemed to know exactly what it was doing. Looks like Tilikum is going to be confined to stud service from here on in. Who will swim with him? And you can't let him go, he likes people! OK, if he would swim away like free Willy, why don't they let him go? According to the experts he'd probably mind his own business in the wild ,.... "Sometimes called "the wolf of the sea", the orca can be a fierce hunter with well-organized hunting techniques, although there are no documented cases of killer whales attacking a human in the wild."
Lastly, How many people does a valuable show animal get to kill before it is deemed too dangerous? And if you free the whale, will the other whales learn a lesson? Kill a trainer,... get set free ? These are animals as intelligent as humans, they're waiting to see Tilikum's fate, you can bet on it! Reports are they were screwing around at showtime, acting rebellious. They're probably all in the know.
Anyway, the show must go on. At least that's the way it appears. But I can't help thinking that something is wrong . The captive whales. The trainer's deaths. The amnesty of Tilikum. Too valuable to be put to death? How about one last show for for the Japanese?
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Today's Problem
Captive Animals,
United States,
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I ask you America, " When your government isn't working for you, then who are they working for, and to what goals?"
After the banking-credit-real-estate-stock-market crisis, when a lot of people found out that their homes weren't worth what they owed on them, their investments had bottomed up, and that the banks were broke and they couldn't borrow more money ( the banks or them), the government saved the banks.
The banks then refused to negotiate the upside down real estate market, sticking homeowners and taxpayers with the losses, and saving themselves. Wouldn't it have been nice if the government had given the money to the people and let us decide if we'd save the banks, rather than the other way around? After all, it was our money.
It is beyond me why people don't walk away now and let the banks eat the losses. An individual's home is normally their biggest investment. Why invest for thirty years, pay for a home three times with the interest, and then have it be worth less then it's original cost? The bank won't negotiate? They want you to pay 350k for a house worth 175k ? Wasn't the bank taking a risk too? It's the banks house, give it back to them or accept an indentured life.
I don't understand it all, obvious in my simple words, but it looks like robbery to me, orchestrated and committed by the banks and the government, working hand in hand . Partners in crime. Can't tell the thieves from the elected officials. Maybe that's why so many elected officials aren't seeking re-election. Or maybe they know something we don't, and they're going to cut and run while they still can.
Scary. Especially because the greatest robbery in history is soon to be revealed: Millions of Americans have paid into Social Security for decades, now that it's time for their dividends , there is no money. The deal wasn't, "give us your money for years and we'll indenture your children to pay for your old age", So where's the money? Invested? In the bank? or gone? Decades of saving by millions of Americans. Gone. Like market money, or home equity. The greatest robbery in history.
America, we've been robbed. We're being robbed today as I write. It's the greatest robbery in history: The robbing of the American people.
Keep your money, America. It will be harder to steal, and put to better use in your own hands. The average man can no longer afford the extravagance of Government. IF Every American Born citizen had received an equal share of the money spent on bailouts and war since 2001, what would my cut be?
Harry Reid, how much money does he get paid? He's claiming we need to pass another jobs bill because domestic violence is up. Now there is great debate about domestic abuse and any links to unemployment, as if being unemployed and stressed out wouldn't result in more domestic abuse. Harry's going to spend US all back to Nirvana though. Let me repeat, "the ugly truth: The race downhill is picking up steam. Throwing false economy in front of the ball in the form of "stimulus money" is like adding fuel to a fire to stop it." (February in Cave junction 13feb10). A jobs bill would be false economy.
How much worse is domestic violence going to be after the country is bankrupt and Americans face generations of debt? How much do we pay this guy, ...how long has he been there, ...how soon can we vote him out along with all the others???
After the banking-credit-real-estate-stock-market crisis, when a lot of people found out that their homes weren't worth what they owed on them, their investments had bottomed up, and that the banks were broke and they couldn't borrow more money ( the banks or them), the government saved the banks.
The banks then refused to negotiate the upside down real estate market, sticking homeowners and taxpayers with the losses, and saving themselves. Wouldn't it have been nice if the government had given the money to the people and let us decide if we'd save the banks, rather than the other way around? After all, it was our money.
It is beyond me why people don't walk away now and let the banks eat the losses. An individual's home is normally their biggest investment. Why invest for thirty years, pay for a home three times with the interest, and then have it be worth less then it's original cost? The bank won't negotiate? They want you to pay 350k for a house worth 175k ? Wasn't the bank taking a risk too? It's the banks house, give it back to them or accept an indentured life.
I don't understand it all, obvious in my simple words, but it looks like robbery to me, orchestrated and committed by the banks and the government, working hand in hand . Partners in crime. Can't tell the thieves from the elected officials. Maybe that's why so many elected officials aren't seeking re-election. Or maybe they know something we don't, and they're going to cut and run while they still can.
Scary. Especially because the greatest robbery in history is soon to be revealed: Millions of Americans have paid into Social Security for decades, now that it's time for their dividends , there is no money. The deal wasn't, "give us your money for years and we'll indenture your children to pay for your old age", So where's the money? Invested? In the bank? or gone? Decades of saving by millions of Americans. Gone. Like market money, or home equity. The greatest robbery in history.
America, we've been robbed. We're being robbed today as I write. It's the greatest robbery in history: The robbing of the American people.
Keep your money, America. It will be harder to steal, and put to better use in your own hands. The average man can no longer afford the extravagance of Government. IF Every American Born citizen had received an equal share of the money spent on bailouts and war since 2001, what would my cut be?
Harry Reid, how much money does he get paid? He's claiming we need to pass another jobs bill because domestic violence is up. Now there is great debate about domestic abuse and any links to unemployment, as if being unemployed and stressed out wouldn't result in more domestic abuse. Harry's going to spend US all back to Nirvana though. Let me repeat, "the ugly truth: The race downhill is picking up steam. Throwing false economy in front of the ball in the form of "stimulus money" is like adding fuel to a fire to stop it." (February in Cave junction 13feb10). A jobs bill would be false economy.
How much worse is domestic violence going to be after the country is bankrupt and Americans face generations of debt? How much do we pay this guy, ...how long has he been there, ...how soon can we vote him out along with all the others???
Saturday, February 13, 2010
February in Cave Junction

I'm rooting for the dark clouds. Even though the water is turning my lower driveway into a river and the upper switch-back into an obstacle course of muddy ruts, I love the coziness of the shack when its raining. The hell with the driveway, I don't have to go anywhere. When I do I'll waddle down the road with muddy, unbalanced tires until I can get to the car wash. Mud is still part of the deal here. Maybe this year I can get some rock and road done. Maybe.
Ain't that the way it is: Used to be I didn't mind running around with muddy tires and rims, I was mountain man-in' it, but enjoy a little success over and above warm, dry and fed, and like all fools I want some bling,.....can't be running around town with muddy rims on my new jeep ( with only 154,000 thousand miles on it). I can hardly stand to let the dog go everywhere with me now; Leather interior.
Speaking of living high on the hog, a good friend of mine switched shirt sizes and gave me upwards of twenty something of his old shirts. Most better than all but my best, so now I look better everywhere I go. His shirts never looked so good either. I hope he has to switch slack sizes soon . Is that gratitude or what? Thanks Gman. Every time I go off the property and look half way presentable I'm truly grateful. I wish I could bring myself to spend the money on some new shoes.
Oh well, it's February in C.J. and it's wet. In town the Chevron is slow. Tourism is light this time of year and at twenty five cents a gallon more than the Chevron in Grants Pass, smart travelers drive by with full tanks. Still the station is doing some business, and as always the attendants have biscuits for the dog. Here in Oregon it's illegal to pump your own gas, so there are always attendants and they most of the time have biscuits. Tells you something about how many people in southern Oregon drive around with their dogs.
Watching the news today, I see they want to add a suicide prevention net on the Golden Gate at a mere cost of fifty million dollars. What I want to know, besides whether or not these people are nuts, is this; After a suicidal person jumps and hits the net (really a chain link barrier as it is described) what keeps them from crawling to the edge and jumping again?????????? So they throw themselves in front of BART instead. It's no wonder the place is bankrupt.
More and more, Obama looks like a one term disaster. It was fun while it lasted but the bill for this president is becoming horrendous . The scary part is: Creditors want to get paid for the balloon even though the air is gone and the collapse is on. The ugly truth: The race downhill is picking up steam. Throwing false economy in front of the ball in the form of "stimulus money" is like adding fuel to a fire to stop it. Get ready to bite the bullet; In my uneducated , occasionally newsclip informed, save yourself the world don't wanna be saved world, it still looks like America needs to severely rein herself in.
And our elected officials need to be voted out. Every one of them. All that money for war while the country falls apart. C'mon man.
"You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it." Adrian Rogers
Barack Obama,
Golden Gate Bridge,
New Jeep,
San Francisco,
Stimulus Program,
Friday, February 12, 2010
We the Future
Watching "the Universe" today, the show was describing some of the rains on other planets and moons in our universe. The universe is not life friendly. Earth is really a miracle in itself. When you think about what a small bubble of atmosphere we live under, and the total harshness of space, it really is astonishing that we even exist at all. Nobody's drinking Starbucks in the methane rain on Venus. Methane gas turned fluid is about three hundred degrees below freezing. Or something like that. No place for humans. On one of the moons of Jupiter it rains Iron pellets. Like clusterbombs but burning hot. Some other place it rains sulfuric acid. Standing in the rain there would melt your skin off. Get the picture.....This is the only inhabitable real estate in the whole damn universe. It might be the only inhabitable real estate in the whole galaxy. We don't know. We do know the rest of the universe is not life friendly. That's scary; the idea we're all alone; That earth is the only place that will support life. What if the whole future of space depends on our world? We might be the first advanced civilization. Future Gods from outer space to less civilized places like planet of the dogs. If such places exist. During the show , for all the Explorers, Discovery's, this and that craft, not one of them is coming back with pictures of any vacation spots. And the barbecues are all wrong. Anyway, it never occured to me that the whole future of "life" existing in the galaxies might depend totally on earth's inhabitants taking care of the place and moving elsewhere to propagate the species. Can you imagine what property would go for in the new world? Talk about a back door! That would be way better than a hole in the wall. Or the side of a mountain for that matter. I gotta feel like the ticket is way out of my league though. I wonder who the lucky astronauts will be in space on 122112 ,...just in case. The days are getting longer here. It's warm. Life is wonderful and the cat is fat and sleeping comfortably on it's pillow in the box outside. Oh, and before I forget, keep your guard up California; Reservoirs are filling up, the ground is saturated, the snowpack is heavy, it is no time for a wam rain. Dum-duh-dum-dum-duhhhhhhhhhh
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Re: Saving Haiti
Re: Saving Haiti
I get so sick and tired of the second guessing of the conspiracy junkies. For all the time, blood, and selflessenergy the US and all the volenteers GIVE. Not to mention the $$. FUCK EM. Maybe we should just pull out. Let Chavez run the show. EGC
My reponse
Unless it could be proven that the US caused the earthquake intentionally, which some will say happened by use of the HAARP system or drilling for oil and mining, "conspiracy" would be after the fact and apply to taking advantage of the situation. I am sure to some extent there are factions taking advantage of the situation.
I also understand your anger. The idea of an ulterior motive amongst the good will and desire to help taints the honorable effort. However, just the remark "let Chavez run the show" indicates there is always political\national\capitalistic jockeying going on, and you are aware of it by virtue of your own words.
My intent is not to discount the honest efforts and good will of the American people, or the rest of the world, but rather to say, "These accusations are being made, we might want to watch and see if they play out to be true in the future."
You don't really think that our country would take advantage of a natural disaster to grab oil deposits the size of Saudi Arabia's, do you? C'mon man, we don't know the whole truth, but knowing the truth sure makes it easier to find the lies. It's nice to piss you off, shows you're still kicking, but don't be mad. I tried to broach this topic as gently as possible.
Did you read the article by Mr. Engdahl ? It was sent to me by a true "conspiracy junkie". In his defense, other than being well read, educated, and intelligent, he knows he's been lied to by the government so now he always looks deeper. By the way, Anderson Cooper's lead off story last night was "Stealing Haiti". My CJ sent this story to me last week, I've got to spend more time at home or let AC catch up.
Thanks for the FUCK EM
I get so sick and tired of the second guessing of the conspiracy junkies. For all the time, blood, and selflessenergy the US and all the volenteers GIVE. Not to mention the $$. FUCK EM. Maybe we should just pull out. Let Chavez run the show. EGC
My reponse
Unless it could be proven that the US caused the earthquake intentionally, which some will say happened by use of the HAARP system or drilling for oil and mining, "conspiracy" would be after the fact and apply to taking advantage of the situation. I am sure to some extent there are factions taking advantage of the situation.
I also understand your anger. The idea of an ulterior motive amongst the good will and desire to help taints the honorable effort. However, just the remark "let Chavez run the show" indicates there is always political\national\capitalistic jockeying going on, and you are aware of it by virtue of your own words.
My intent is not to discount the honest efforts and good will of the American people, or the rest of the world, but rather to say, "These accusations are being made, we might want to watch and see if they play out to be true in the future."
You don't really think that our country would take advantage of a natural disaster to grab oil deposits the size of Saudi Arabia's, do you? C'mon man, we don't know the whole truth, but knowing the truth sure makes it easier to find the lies. It's nice to piss you off, shows you're still kicking, but don't be mad. I tried to broach this topic as gently as possible.
Did you read the article by Mr. Engdahl ? It was sent to me by a true "conspiracy junkie". In his defense, other than being well read, educated, and intelligent, he knows he's been lied to by the government so now he always looks deeper. By the way, Anderson Cooper's lead off story last night was "Stealing Haiti". My CJ sent this story to me last week, I've got to spend more time at home or let AC catch up.
Thanks for the FUCK EM
Mr Engdahl,
Saudi Arabia
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Saving Haiti
After the recent earthquake in Haiti, amid the mainstream media onslaught of the rubble, suffering and death, I found myself detached, indifferent, lacking in compassion. Cold as it sounds, Haiti could have been any place in the world where there are earthquakes. Yes, Haiti was bad, but so are earthquakes in China, India, Italy etc. How often do we see tragedy in the world due to natural disaster? Was tragedy in Haiti suppose to strike me differently because I'm closer to it then mudslides in Peru? Will the world run to our rescue when natural disaster befalls US? Why doesn't the entertainment world jump when there's an earthquake in Pakistan?
I mean, like... Haiti didn't just sail to it's proximity to the United States, it's been there all along; Ravaged with AIDS, starving, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. In US waters Haitians would be turned away at sea trying to flee the place. Sometimes to drown at sea. Forgive me my cynicism, but drown at sea, die of AIDS, starve; If Hatians were ignored before and left to die, well ...it was a monstrous tragedy but worldwide, monstrous tragedys occur, so is the monstrous response to Haiti's tragedy partially fueled by ulterior motives? .........some thoughts to consider as the drama unwinds:
A few excerpts:
The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti
by F. William Engdahl
Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Bolivian, French and Swiss rescue organizations accuse the US military of refusing landing rights to planes bearing necessary medicines and urgently needed potable water to the millions of Haitians stricken, injured and homeless.
Behind the smoke, rubble and unending drama of human tragedy in the hapless Caribbean country, a drama is in full play for control of what geophysicists believe may be one of the world’s richest zones for hydrocarbons-oil and gas outside the Middle East, possibly orders of magnitude greater than that of nearby Venezuela.
Now, in the wake of the devastating earthquake of January 12, the United States military has taken control of Haiti’s four airports and presently has some 20,000 troops in the country. Journalists and international aid organizations have accused the US military of being more concerned with imposing military control, which it prefers to call “security,” than with bringing urgently needed water, food and medicine from the airport sites to the population.
There's always an angle.
I mean, like... Haiti didn't just sail to it's proximity to the United States, it's been there all along; Ravaged with AIDS, starving, the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. In US waters Haitians would be turned away at sea trying to flee the place. Sometimes to drown at sea. Forgive me my cynicism, but drown at sea, die of AIDS, starve; If Hatians were ignored before and left to die, well ...it was a monstrous tragedy but worldwide, monstrous tragedys occur, so is the monstrous response to Haiti's tragedy partially fueled by ulterior motives? .........some thoughts to consider as the drama unwinds:
A few excerpts:
The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti
by F. William Engdahl
Venezuelan, Nicaraguan, Bolivian, French and Swiss rescue organizations accuse the US military of refusing landing rights to planes bearing necessary medicines and urgently needed potable water to the millions of Haitians stricken, injured and homeless.
Behind the smoke, rubble and unending drama of human tragedy in the hapless Caribbean country, a drama is in full play for control of what geophysicists believe may be one of the world’s richest zones for hydrocarbons-oil and gas outside the Middle East, possibly orders of magnitude greater than that of nearby Venezuela.
Now, in the wake of the devastating earthquake of January 12, the United States military has taken control of Haiti’s four airports and presently has some 20,000 troops in the country. Journalists and international aid organizations have accused the US military of being more concerned with imposing military control, which it prefers to call “security,” than with bringing urgently needed water, food and medicine from the airport sites to the population.
There's always an angle.
Human Rights,
Humanitarian crisis,
United States,
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Doomsday Report
The End of the World is near. No... the end of the world as we know it is near. That must mean that the known world is about to end, since everyone knows a different world. Or maybe the mapped world will change... Continents suddenly rip apart, or break off and fall into the sea. It might be the modern world is about to change.....? Isn't it always? And how is it that so many clairvoyants saw the present Pope as being the last? How could the Church end? That's a longshot.
I'm betting the present Pope dies (Saint or not), and another is named to replace him. I'm also placing my money on the world continuing to spin; Continents continuing to grind and move as they always have, and the next twenty six thousand year cycle through the Zodiac to begin on time and as expected December 21 2012. Whether or not the Pope dies is really the only question worth wagering on. So much for the end of the world, now on to more interesting things.
There was a wet spot. A pool. The sun would shine into that pool and the energy would heat the water. There was a chemical reaction and a film began to grow in the warm water. The film became a mush. The mush an algae. Eventually the algae evolved into a life form with a central control system and a consciousness. It could move, it could think, it was certain it was the center of the universe.
The life form flourished. It created Gods, Religions, Governments and Society. It had architecture, science, astronomy, medicine and great knowledge. Then at the pinnacle of it's existence it disappeared. Scary huh? It happens.!!!
Future life forms would be impressed by the legacy of it's relics, even though they weren't sure of the knowledge. Some things in the previous world could not be explained. There was great debate about whether or not it was an "advanced" civilization.
But the world didn't end. Those gods died, immortal as they were thought to be, and their religions with them. Those governments failed along with their social systems. That species died and with them their knowledge. The pond dried up, but the world upon which it sat continued to spin, erupt, upheave, evolve, and be part of a living universe that in reality is not "life" friendly. It's a miracle we're alive in it. Ahhh...the miracle of life. As far as we know, only on earth.
So, The end of the world ? No. That's a bet against billions of years of cycling. Betting the surface of the earth becomes uninhabitable is a better bet. Or ...Pick your poison... It only matters how if somebody survives . Someday Doomsday is coming, but until then enjoy the miracle of living in the wet spot.
And by all means Don't be Afraid !
I'm betting the present Pope dies (Saint or not), and another is named to replace him. I'm also placing my money on the world continuing to spin; Continents continuing to grind and move as they always have, and the next twenty six thousand year cycle through the Zodiac to begin on time and as expected December 21 2012. Whether or not the Pope dies is really the only question worth wagering on. So much for the end of the world, now on to more interesting things.
There was a wet spot. A pool. The sun would shine into that pool and the energy would heat the water. There was a chemical reaction and a film began to grow in the warm water. The film became a mush. The mush an algae. Eventually the algae evolved into a life form with a central control system and a consciousness. It could move, it could think, it was certain it was the center of the universe.
The life form flourished. It created Gods, Religions, Governments and Society. It had architecture, science, astronomy, medicine and great knowledge. Then at the pinnacle of it's existence it disappeared. Scary huh? It happens.!!!
Future life forms would be impressed by the legacy of it's relics, even though they weren't sure of the knowledge. Some things in the previous world could not be explained. There was great debate about whether or not it was an "advanced" civilization.
But the world didn't end. Those gods died, immortal as they were thought to be, and their religions with them. Those governments failed along with their social systems. That species died and with them their knowledge. The pond dried up, but the world upon which it sat continued to spin, erupt, upheave, evolve, and be part of a living universe that in reality is not "life" friendly. It's a miracle we're alive in it. Ahhh...the miracle of life. As far as we know, only on earth.
So, The end of the world ? No. That's a bet against billions of years of cycling. Betting the surface of the earth becomes uninhabitable is a better bet. Or ...Pick your poison... It only matters how if somebody survives . Someday Doomsday is coming, but until then enjoy the miracle of living in the wet spot.
And by all means Don't be Afraid !
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