I miss the mountains. I really miss being in the backwoods of Josephine county where in forty months of building I never saw a county official. Except the Sheriff. And he only stopped for coffee once, ignored my pot plants, and left on the best of terms. At least I thought so, though he never did come back. The Sacramento Valley is a whole different environment. Especially on a property without trees or a hill to hide behind. Depressing to think that my every decision will have to be approved by an inspector of some sort . I speculate on how they'd react if I was to put an outhouse on New Bradland. Inspectors have a hard time understanding those of us willing to live in alternative fashions; ie Moving a Sea-land container onto property and calling it home. Isn't America wonderful? Where else can a guy move into an area of millionaires, carve a road, bring in a box and a motorhome and homestead the place. I wish it was that easy. Having a road scraped is 70 bucks an hour. Rock is still being negotiated. Drillers want 10+ thousand for a well. What is so expensive about a damn hole in the ground? Septic contractors want 8k for a shitter, 10k more if it has to be an engineered shitter. Another hole in the ground as far as I'm concerned. When I get the money those people will have to be contracted, but until then, I may try some shovel work myself. You Know, some things are necessary in life, like water and potty. I'm not too keen on digging a well, that's a long way down for shovel work, but a potty hole isn't. Anyway this whole damn land development thing is already depressing me. When I bought the place here I was thinking five years to develop it. Now I'm thinking ten. Or maybe a quick profit. New Bradland is for sale for ......Sixty thousand dollars...USD. Isn't life wonderful? Isn't everything for sale?