Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Dessert Thing

Whichever dessert was for them who want more is for me. I want it all.
'All' is misleading. I want that which escapes all; the ability to plane jump, which equates to cycle jumping, which equates to being a time bandit, which equates to... no, not immortality, but being able to hang around until you're ready to give it up. Who would really like hanging out before the species existed? Or after its demise? As I've explained before, a thousand years as a Redwood tree would be a long time if there wasn't a little ent involved in the stretch. Without sharing life, without human co-existence, life simply is existence. Who wants the world without someone to share it? Or at least envy you having it? Without the fifth necessity of life involved (Love) you might as well be back on Mars watching the place dry up and go cold.
Here in the 'shack' it is accepted knowledge that the secret to the universe is, "Why is everything circling, round, a sphere, cyclical?" (Obsessed With Time 05Jan09) Even the stuff that doesn't cycle along with us, seems to cycle through our universe; ie Haley's comet, or that big asteroid that will miss us in 2026* (maybe) and then come back in 2037* and try again. It just occurred to me, why doesn't that asteroid come by every eleven years and take a shot? Does it only get two and then automatically extinguish itself on somebody else's planet? You never know, for all of mankind's importance to the Universe, we could be but a moving target in someone else's game.
That's why it's important to be able to check out when you want; living conditions could deteriorate here on planet Earth to the point where existence would be undesirable. It is a testimonial to happiness in ones life, and the quality of life one enjoys, this fight we all give to exist; our love of life. But if the place was suddenly a big fireball, who would want to be immortal for the eternal roast. Starting to sound a little fire and brimstoneish.
Love is the great transcendent. Without love, life would cease to exist, just as it would without air, water, food or shelter. This said and agreed upon, I think it would be fair to say that the next plane is only attainable with love and consciousness, and then only if the conscious is an entity in itself , the body being but a cocoon.
Is that how the ancient Egyptians thought? Did they believe they would be revived in the same body? Or that their conscious was going to hang out elsewhere for awhile, and they'd be back for the body later? I'm going with the conscious becomes an entity in itself, and as part of the larger force, or...
Anyway, if there was a Dessert at the table for me, it was the soft hand that served the German Chocolate Cake, and half the equation, for an escape from this doomed planet. The other half of the equation is still hidden in the cycle thing, which is remotely tied to the dessert thing, which is as accurate as this paper, but does not get me any closer to cycle jumping, or the secrets of the universe.
Now my friend, if there is anything else that you'd like to know about desserts, let me know, please.

*Dates are from memory and probably inaccurate. The point is the same, and the asteroid is coming.

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