Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Lot of Stuff

Yesterday the news is existing home sales are up 7%. Today the news is new home sales plunged 11%. The lower end is still being re-acquired. Empty houses don't produce new home buyers when they're sold.
Gold dropped 200 bucks an ounce. Health insurance stock is skyrocketing. You don't have to own gold, but you legally will have to be insured. Good for business. And no Government option competing to screw up profits. I have no idea why gold dropped in value...unless the dollar strengthed a little on the international market.....Gold was only rising in price if you were buying in dollars. Tell you something?
Al Qaeda is now threatening the world in Yemen. It may be necessary to go to Yemen to fight Al Qaeda now. Somalia is next door to Yemen so we can expect to go there after Yemen, I suppose. It astounds me that the endless war goes on still. Furthermore, when I think of all the hard evidence there is to prove that those two planes did NOT bring down the WTC, ...and that the American people just don't get it, I am dumbfounded.
The brilliance of the sham. One puppet President after another, And the beat goes on. By the way, the latest " terror threat level " is bankruptcy. .
If a man works fifty years, and makes fifty thousand dollars a year, He'll make two and a half million dollars in his lifetime. If that man pays 30% of his income to the Government in taxes it will amount to approximately 800,000 dollars. Two men just worked their entire lives so the government could spend a million and a half dollars on studying the sex habits of rats on hard drugs. At twenty five thousand a year it took four men's taxes. I'm not gonna go there on the sex habits of rats on hard drugs.
There was a Blackberry Blackout. Then there was another one. If all this talk about 2012, and the poles reversing, and the world ending as we know it, is true, it's going to be exciting, isn't it ? And to think it might have all started with a Blackberry Blackout.
Balloon Boy's dad got ninety days. He should have put the kid in the balloon. Dummy.
Oh, and high tech computer camera's are having trouble tracking minorities for video . The final insult, or, ..... are you kidding?
Just kidding

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