I think about how the world has changed in the last five years, then I think how the changes have been spoon fed to us through the media with catch phrases and glimpses of what the truth means. It's the "race to the bottom", and the two times I heard that phrase being used by our lawmakers I was surprised. I wasn't surprised that it was quickly hushed up and not used again to describe America's current situatiuon, although it best describes that very situation in my mind. In recent years we heard a lot about the concept of "one world" . What does one world mean to Americans though? World competition, the refusal to close and protect American borders, maybe the erasure of borders, allowing common currency, and huge deficits in trade. One world means Americans must compete on a world level; ie with 86 cent an hour wages in China and 26 cent per hour wages in Cambodia. Obviously the standard of living is better in China than Cambodia, but not quite what Americans are used to earning. We sure like buying those products produced at slave/world wages, even if we don't want to slave for them. However that's whom we're competing with, so better understand the plan for Social Equalization. A society of ultra rich (Money) and the poor. Crazy? How could it be achieved? Right before our eyes! The first step was creating a ten year bubble. America thought it was thriving when all we were doing was running up debt and allowing the "plan" to be put in place. Then? Take our money away, bursting the bubble and taking those on the edge, over. And how that's happening! Money was devalued when we doubled our currency, the result of allowing so much credit the place went bust. Then with only half the "real money" we had before ( our creditors have the rest), credit had to tighten forcing property values to plummet and s l o w g r o w t h. Aren't most Americans deeply vested in their homes? Isn't that their biggest investment in life and for retirement? 20% of all mortgage holders are upside down right now. That's not to mention those whom have already lost their homes. Wiping out the middle class has been achieved to a certain extent already. Remember all those stories about the elimination of the middle class? The job is probably 30% done now and growing. Over the next ten years I expect the value of land/housing to drop at least 50%. Why? So the continuation of reducing the American standard of living can proceed. That $500,000 dollar house will only be worth $250,000 in the future; that $100,000 house only worth $50,000 etc., Inevitably stripping the vast majority of Americans of their wealth and eliminating the middle class. This isn't happening by accident, or because of economic hard times, it is the design of those with power and money. The American standard of living is too far above the world norm. Reducing our wealth works better in the plan for " The New World Order". Finally, bankrupt Social Security, then force Americans to accept much smaller benefits. That should do it. Without Social security, a bankroll in our property, and the value of everything from labor to property falling, it shouldn't take more than a generation or two for us to "drop" more in Line with "One World" and "Social Equalization". Alas, I've been reading to much Patrick-net. Doom and Gloom. I also passed on the deal of a lifetime in Oregon this week which is depressing. I'm thinking I need to go to London, get a change of scenery and some perspective. Soon.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Deal of a Lifetime

Six months ago I left Oregon. I wanted to be closer to my youngest son. My oldest son is in Europe. When he finishes university this year, I want him to return to the US so I can be closer to him. My wife is also in the same city as I am now. I wanted to be closer to her, too. Returning to California will financially be my ruin, no doubt, but one realization I came to on the side of Hope Mountain was that although safe, secure and prospering, I was growing older without sharing my life with the woman and the sons I love. After forty months of soul searching and hard work in southern Oregon, I sold what I loved to return to what I love. I tested that love this week. On Friday a six acre parcel in Kerby Oregon appeared on realtor.com selling for 40,000 dollars.

It was a duress sale and I had the inside track. When I called the agent and found out it had a Mobile home, Kerby city water, a well also, and Power, ... I decided it was probably too good to be true, but it was worth a look. On Sunday a friend and I drove to Oregon to take a look. The agent explained the owner was sick and the court was liquidating assets. There had been an offer already. On Monday the court would look at offers and select the best one. The parcel was a steal. 20 to 30 thousand dollars under market value (today). I put an offer in at $42,000. When the realtor met with the court representative on Monday, there were only two offers and mine was the high one. The court accepted it . The property had been on the market three days. It was todays deal of a lifetime. How lucky could I get? Is all I had to do was buy it . I could return to be an Outlaw and Oregonian. Once again have money, security, a home,......... or Love? I pulled out of the deal today. Just call me a fool for love. There was a helluva deal on a two bedroom , two bath house, on three acres with a nice barn for only $28,000............in Minnesota this week, too.
PS Thanks for all the help Tracy. You were a joy to work with for a day.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Fighting depression, Back taxes and Where do I go from here?
Life is Wonderful, Every miserable moment. I have to tell myself that too often recently. Nothing is wrong, really,.. I just worry about being old and poor and ugly,.... and old and ugly doesn't bother me but poor does. I bought property in the State of California and they immediately let me know I owe back income taxes by placing a lien on the property. Naturally the lien is for twice as much as I owe, forcing me to do my taxes ! Damn California. Reason one I should have never left Oregon. Depressing. Regardless, I had my taxes done for 2004,2005,2006. I can handle the state,.. but the fed's,............ Those three years alone will eat up my cash reserves. In a matter of hours I have gone from being solvent to broke. If the damn government wanted taxes from my money, they should have taken it before they gave me the money in the first place! I must admit, the state never had a chance to collect, and so their lien on my property pisses me off that I gave them a chance. That's the bad thing about property, no place to hide. So, a hop skip and a jump away from the mountains and I'm already hating the Government. Again. I guess that's one reason that my friend Guy and I are heading back to southern Oregon this weekend to look for property. There are some "deals" along the Redwood highway in the Illinois Valley, and Guy is ready for an adventure. Myself, after five months in the city, after five months of being without my own home, and now saddled with what will surely be future financial obligations, I'm feeling like maybe I should go back to the mountains and lick my wounds for another couple of years. Damn taxes. Damn government. Damn real estate market. If I could sell the parcel here in the Sacramento valley that I just bought , I could clear these taxes up, but between the taxes, the commission for the realtor, and the damn market, I stand to lose twenty thousand dollars. No way! I think it's time to return to the hills and cling to my guns and and my garden. That's the idea as we head up to Kerby this weekend to look at five acres . Here's hoping we come across the deal of a lifetime and recognize it.
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