Thursday, November 22, 2007

This Afternoon's Newscasts

Yesterday I watched three grey mule deer wander across my driveway. There was frost on the ground and the morning was cold. Where they stopped to graze a little is the first part of the hill to get sun. I'm sure they wanted to sun bathe as much as eat. Serene, natural and then the rest of the world....
I see the authorities in Aruba have arrested the suspected three again in the case of Natalie Hollaway. If they murdered that girl it is important they be punished.
The Hollaway story followed the story of the New York Jets fans who are encouraging women to bare their breasts as they pass by a certain section of the stadium. The boys are having a rollicking good time, but the more reserved women (probably 95% of the total encouraged to titillate the crowd) find it anything but 'fun.'
And then there is the really twisted story that preceded the aforementioned two; the story of the woman in Saudi Arabia who was abducted in public with her male companion, raped by seven men, and then found to be in the wrong because her companion was not a relative! She was additionally punished, sentenced to ninety lashings and six months in jail. When her attorney appealed the lashings were increased to two hundred (for disrespecting the court) and the attorney was fined and suspended.
Why does the juxtaposition of the three stories interest me? They are related not only because of the 'base' instincts that fuel the three, but also because of the manners in which they are received, interpreted, and reacted to by the different cultures involved. I try to see things objectively. I try to be fair. I like to put things on the line of truth and force myself to be honest. However, when something is twisted, when reason has been tweaked, then I don't mind saying, "This is fucked up." And this is indicative of what kind of fucked up, backward, assholes are in charge of the Arab world.
The girl was punished for having the 'wrong' escort in public? This leads me to believe that improperly escorted Arab women can be treated in any fashion, and then turned over to the police for 'justice.' Why did she need an escort at all? Are Arab men such animals that every unattended women is in danger? Why a family escort? Is there a law against RAPE in front of the family?
The reasoning behind the whole Saudi thing dumbfounds me. It is about as civilized as the cartoon caveman dragging his woman back to the cave. Which is about the equivalent of raping and murdering a teenage girl. Which is what the Hollaway case is about. It would be the equivalent of the Saudi Case too if the murder had not taken place, and there had been four more rapists and Natalie Hollaway was alive so we could punish her!
Did I say how fucked up this is? Aruba wants the case solved. It taints their image and hurts the tourist industry. Natalie's body is not to be found. Americans empathize with her mother. But the case in Saudi Arabia? ...The logic, reason, and fairness of it is incredulous. Caveman law, based on twisted interpretation of archaic religious laws. Kind of like Football Fan Conduct based on twisted interpretation of what is acceptable behavior when you're with the boys and 'just having fun.' Dumb people shouldn't drink, it makes them even more stupid.

Happy Birthday today Son. I hope your world is safe and stable and you are Happy.

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