Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Educate, Educate, Educate!

Change we can believe in... Could I get a definitive explanation of what the term "change" means, so as to see if I can believe in it?
America will have a $726 billion trade deficit this year. Sixty three percent of it will be for oil. Oil.
The greatest transfer of wealth from one part of the world to another, circa 1970's: Thirty years later the transfer is still happening. Are we giving it all away? Yes. That's the impression I'm getting. That and America's wealth is being stolen by crooked politicians immersed in special interests.
Oil interests. Industrial interests. Defense and Weaponry interests. Poppy Interests. Growing up... wasn't 'special interests' just another term for bribe? Buying influence is Bribery. The practice is rampant in Washington; time to remove the Lobbyists.
Except, it could be America isn't really owned by Americans. Maybe... foreign interests and assets have bought our leaders and our sovereignty. In a country\world driven by profits, maybe the 1% of the American people who control 80% of the world's wealth don't necessarily have an affinity with being American first, and ultimately don't care about our well being as a nation or a society. That would help to explain our current state of affairs.
As Americans transfer their wealth for oil and cheap labor, the orchestrators of this tragedy, (those that profit the most) very well could be nation-less. Their only interest in America being to plunder her, ultimately making The American worker cheap labor, or possibly indentured labor, working for taxes and war debt. The dollar buys less, American labor is cheaper... Your wage doesn't change but everything is more expensive: Standards of living adjusted downward. Does it make you feel better to know the average Chinese is better off?
Somebody made money on the current mortgage crisis, does it offset your losses? Obviously the people don't 'run' America anymore, or George wouldn't be President. And it's not enough to have him rule for eight years, now he wants to lock us into Iraq for decades with long term commitments.
I don't want their oil; give me my Two Trillion back. How many mortgages would that buy here in America? Instead of destroying and rebuilding a country in the Middle East? And for what? I wasn't willing to spend Two Trillion dollars for Iraqi Democracy!
If the Iraqi people want democracy....let them fight and pay for it. Freedom isn't Free, remember? Teach them 'United we Stand'. Let them protect themselves! And foot the bill. I keep hearing, "we must win this war!" I thought this war was won?! While too many lose so much, a few steal more than they could ever spend for reasonable survival. A couple of trillion would go a long way towards fixing some of America's problems.
Oil Interests who profit in the transfer of wealth must not continue to dictate foreign policy and bankrupt the country.
The Problem is the same one we should have tackled in the Seventies. Oil. Greed. Windfall profits.
Alternative Fuel Sources...develop them, use them, sell them for a profit to the rest of the world!
Back to the 70s!

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