Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Stimulus Program

I cannot believe as the value of the dollar decreases, oil prices increase, the mortgage crisis deepens, the trade deficit balloons, and the average American worker is having their standard of living diminished, our leadership gives us the following short term temporary fix in the form of a tax rebate.


Does that look like a big figure? Look at this one.


Notice how it dwarfs your rebate? War expenses. In dollars only. The rebate looks like a faint hope to divert attention while the crooks get out of town. The next time the media runs stories on how much the war and its contractors are costing you, on oil profits this quarter, on how much money was stolen in the latest scandal that the Bush/Cheney boys were involved in, note the figure and see if you're getting your fair share.
Blackwater received $800 million in contracts, so far. Another $92 million contract has been awarded. How many Al Qaeda/Talibani/terrorists did we kill this week? I still say (The News 08Dec07) for the price of those enemies/per kill we'd be better off to contract them out to the Chinese, covertly paying them in laundered dollars mixed up in the opium trade channeled through Turkey and run by the very terrorists we'd be paying to have killed. I would arrange it so the bad guys would be financing their own hitmen, for a profit! Irony at it's best!
Hey, if that sounds crazy, confused, and in another world to you, it should; unless you live in the world of war profits, drug profits, politics, foreign aid and terrorism. Pretty confusing.
Like most of us, what I understand is a peoples will is not carried out, while their country's entrusted leaders prove untrustworthy. This 'stimulus package' they cough up is a diversion until their terms end and they can run out of town.


Notice anything about this number? It's fifty million larger than the stimulus package. That's your daily Iraq bill. Two hundred million dollars a DAY! ......That is what the war in Iraq is costing the us and The United States today. We can't afford it. If we could suspend the war for three days we could triple the 'stimulus'! Wouldn't that be a nut. Instead of $300, you'd get $900! We can take a month off and get a $9k stimulus. Like Viagra!
The point is, are you kidding? After we quit trembling about terrorists, and weapons of mass destruction, the only reason to be in Iraq was for the oil, but fuel is through the ceiling so what the hell are we spending $200,000,000 a day for?

A $150,000,000 band-aid is not the cure for a $2,000,000,000,000 disease.

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