Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More of the Same?

I was going to express an opinion on McCain for more of the same; the guy is already touring the troops like he's Commander-in-Chief. Senator McCain can't wait to be BOSS. That candidate is a war monger. And he will not answer to the American people any more than President Bush did.
The boy has baggage. I personally think he might still be fighting the Vietnam war , but my gut feeling is once he's elected he'll really stir the shit, regardless. A vote for John McCain is a vote for the same, but much more dangerous.
If John McCain were elected, without doubt, his interpretation would be, the American people are imperialistic and want to save the world (while big profits are made). And that we agree with 'the surge', and want more. Maybe we could surge into Iran. We believe him when he gives us that, "my friends" bullshit. I mean, didn't the American public make their wishes known in the last election? Yet Senator McCain touts his backing 'the surge', wants to continue the occupation of Iraq, wants to continue to rattle the saber while America falls apart. Is he kidding? Obviously HE DOESN'T LISTEN.
And that's the scary part. Senator McCain backed 'the surge', and now, while the surge is reported as succeeding, he wants positive credit, but the American people did not want 'the surge' in the first place, nor do they want a war of occupation. If Senator McCain were listening he'd plan the withdrawal of troops. Yet Senator McCain talks about commitment to the war, and saving the world. Like an arrogant warrior from the Crusades, thinking he can change centuries of culture, and religion, with hate: we were supposed to be looking for weapons of mass destruction, not taking the place over and making commitments for decades. How the hell did that get lost in the Bush bullshit?
McCain for more of the same!
Don't let it happen!

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