Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Day Before Payday

It's the day before payday. I had left over meatloaf for breakfast. My first cup of coffee had milk and sugar in it; all the creamer is gone, now the milk is too. I'm out of bread and eggs, Pepsi, bagels, cheese, and chocolate milk also. From this point the list becomes infinite, suffice to say, payday will arrive none too soon.
Life is so wonderful. Living in thirty day cycles within five year goals isn't so great, but every day an inch. I feel like the goal-less worm. It will happen and I will get there. Don't ask where, if you think about our ultimate destination, inching towards it is much too fast. Just another five years, ten or fifteen times will do, maybe. I was looking for one hundred and five but the closer I get, the better one hundred and fifty looks. I need more time to get things right. If 'only the good die young', isn't that like a war-cry for misbehaving? Do only the wicked get old, or only after avoiding dying young do they repent and become good old people?
Is John McBush really a war-monger? Does Hillary Clinton realize that her idea and description of dodging bullets in Bosnia is an insult to service people who have served under-fire? Does Hillary Clinton know? Hillary will never know what it is like to be a black man in a society and culture controlled by rich white people. Hillary will never know what it is to be a poor, bald man without a Harvard education, living in a shack, in a society and culture controlled by rich white people. Barack Obama will never know what it's like to be from Arkansas either, or a woman; or married to Bill. Hell, I can never know a lot of things that being me inherently prohibits. I can only imagine what being married to me would be like.
Sounds to me like black churches lay a double whammy on their followers; the only way to heaven is through the Son (inclusive/exclusive), and you better stay strong with God to fight white supremacy. That means coming to Church to get your lessons in divisiveness. What we really need is a 9/11 in space with an alien Al Qaeda that is bright-green and has three arms. That would give everybody a common enemy. Earthling or not! I'm glad I got this out today, cos tomorrow I'll have money and no time for this bullshit.

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