Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Where was Homeland Security?

Dammit! Just about the time I'm ready to start my new, dual role in China (English instructor and occidental bad guy in Chinese movies) they let those guys climb the Golden Gate Bridge and hang banners. FREE TIBET.
Fuck! Aren't we the guys who are still trying to free Iraq? Last time I looked black America was still demanding to be free. Something about a society controlled by rich white people. We can't save 80% of the plastic bottles we use, how we gonna save the world? Save Yourself!
The Himalayan Foundation in San Francisco is behind this. I see their commercials late at night on the weather channel. 'Give us money so we can directly give a Tibetan a better life.' Then they funnel money to a Tibetan circus act that climbs the Golden Gate Bridge, hangs banners, snarrels traffic and ruins a lot of timetables on Monday morning in their headquarter city of San Francisco! And your money made a Tibetans life better in a direct fashion; he's at home this morning avoiding the traffic jam on the bridge.
In the end it's really luck of the draw anyway. You lucky, I'm lucky, we're all lucky that somewhere in our heritage we had a conquistador, or a puritan, or a scoundrel, pirate, fugitive, slave etc. that had to break shore and wound up here in America. For some of us our lucked stopped there, but if you're reading this then you're really, really lucky!
Luckier than those people in Tibet. China won't be giving anything away. Luckier than I am. I really am considering a teaching adventure in China, but I've always had trouble minding my business while I ignore what I judge to be wrong. Last thing I need is somebody else stirring the shit.
It was Monday, so don't those motherfuckers have jobs? The circus was off and the high-wire act lit it up. They should have had flight kites to escape, coulda winged it right to Alcatraz. Where the hell was Homeland Security? Were they taking the weekdays off too? Can you imagine the bridge closing down and the people killed in the ensuing road rage riot!
Last week there were two guys on national news being interviewed because, after a series of crimes, they were patrolling their neighborhood dressed as superheroes. There they were with capes, masks, tights... the whole fantasy! Send them down to direct traffic.
Before I forget, isn't the Golden Gate like the biggest target on the West Coast? And were those banners in bags hoisted or carried up the cables? Banners or bombs? Did they know? If they knew, what the fuck up with that? And where the hell was security on that bridge?
I need a job!

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