Friday, June 20, 2008

The Truth

I have pecked almost fifty articles from my perch in the mountains of southern Oregon, now. By the measure of the response I have gotten from them, I guess most of them weren't worth responding to. People are busy. They agree with me silently, I know.
Occasionally, I get a response and it's all good; There's a million Samuel Clemens these days. Bloggers; how does one distinguish oneself where there are those that are more talented? Original thought is a lot of hard work. It normally takes research, ideas, travel ...and patience.
I'm recapping news today, but some interesting stories about Iraq's oilfields and production being locked into future contracts with US oil companies. And there is the Truth of the War with Iraq. Not weapons of mass destruction. Not Iraqi democracy. Not Al Qaeda, Iran or the Axis of Evil.
Oil, goddamn oil that's ruining the atmosphere, bankrupting the country, and will destroy the world, as we know it. Its warmer and wetter and the tornado season is all year long. Rainfall records and flooding levels are being shattered worldwide.
There's been a lot of talk about Jimmy Carter and the Seventies lately on the national news. I was comparing the situation to President Carter's tenure and the upheaval in the Seventies in article I wrote in January (Change We Can Believe In 10JAN08 and Educate Educate Educate! 21JAN08 ) It probably wasn't original thought then, but it's good to have the national media catching up with me. Normally it doesn't take them six months to steal my ideas.
The Carter Administration was neutralized by OIL in the Seventies, The Obama administration could very well be neutralized in the future.
The big question now is, will Obama play ball?
Alternative energy is the answer. And the American way of life will have to change. But will OIL let us?
It is the Bush Administration that concerns me. Never in my lifetime have I felt so deceived by the government. This whole escapade in the Middle East was an orchestrated collection of terror, lies, manipulation, greed and profiteering for OIL.
The war on Iraq was a manipulated act of imperialism for OIL. A shameful act of aggression and profiteering. US oil company profiteering.
Do you know it cost about $1.00 US to pump a barrel of crude oil out of the ground?
How quickly the President-Elect removes our troops from Iraq, and how aggressively he pursues alternative energy, will indicate how much he's working for every Americans future, or conversely, how long he'll continue policies that should have changed forty years ago. Will he sell out?
And the answer is not to throw all regard to the wind and let the bastards do what ever they like in the pursuit of oil, the answer is KICK the habit because the price of a gallon of gas will never come down.

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