Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Starbucks are Closing

What up?
More bad news on the American economic front today. The place is falling apart. 35 years too late, there is no answer now, and the infuriating part is these were the same problems that faced the country in the Seventies. Only, now China will use any oil that we don't and, in the world of supply and demand, we have a lot less control.
It's like reducing fossil fuel emission: it doesn't matter what America does now because those developing countries thirsty for oil, industrialization, and modernization are not going to save the world at the expense of their own economies. America didn't and won't now.
Hell, America is practicing politics of imperialism and making wars over future supplies. Another reason the economy is falling apart. And here's what I'll look for in the future; can we change and will the 1% and OIL let us?
Will the American people allow Big Oil to dictate our Bankruptcy? In effect, milking the country dry by influencing policy to keep us dependant on fossil fuels till the atmosphere is ruined and we are slaves to our debt? Well, what the hell do the American people think has been done since the Carter Administration? And worse, the Bush Administration has lied to us, robbed us, and Shoved Big Oil Policy down our throat. When the cry for President Bush to be tried for treason and war crimes is raised, I’ll give a hearty “aye!”
Oh well, as I stated in February about Starbucks (Coffee Wars, Property Prices, and Nothing Left to Lose 26Feb08), that's the first factor I want to consider. Not that Starbucks and Dunkin-Donuts will determine our national economy and save the housing market, but they are great indicators of the times. See, I don't think that improving a latte or customer service, is going to save Starbucks. As times get harder it is my bet that the extravagance of $3.50 cups of coffee will be one of the first luxuries to give way to reality. Look for coffee shops, cafe mochas, and cappuccinos to disappear quicker than equity in a Las Vegas home (this might be a good time to invest in a personal home Mr. Coffee machine).
Starbucks announced they're closing 600 stores today.
My point: The world is changing, the common American is not as rich and, worse yet, has most likely already lost the wealth they had. The boom is over and the Piper has his hand out. Coffees are out, but look for an increase in Liquor consumption. Times are getting harder and unnecessary expenditures will be first to cease. Closing coffee shops are indicative of this. As the economy goes, Starbucks goes.
Six months ago things were a lot better in America. The stock market has lost 2.1 trillion dollars in the first six months of 2008. A barrel of crude is up about 40% since the beginning of the year, the dollar has lost about a third of its value and if you could afford to go out for coffee (obviously I can't) there's at least 600 fewer places to go.
Hope the world finds all of you more affluent than I, at least.

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