Wednesday, July 30, 2008

American Terror

Have you seen…

9/11 revisited?
The God delusion?
The Sun of God?

The Shack is twenty months old now. In that twenty months I have had the time, and in some aspects was forced, to examine myself, life, death, etc. It has not all been pleasant.
In admitting my own mistakes to myself, and reconciling to the idea you can never go back, that the first fifty years are gone, I was forced to shed old lies and accept new truths. Partially due to this process of growing up (something I had neglected to do in my first fifty years of living, and still have trouble with), I came to the realization that instead of becoming more conservative in my thought as I grow older, holding on to what I know, I am becoming more open minded. More willing to consider ideas that don't mirror my own. Instead of just calling bullshit, I'll look, read, consider before I call bullshit now.
I was more rigid in my parameters of tolerance in thought at twenty-five then I am at fifty-two, I was more ignorant at twenty-five.
Easier for me to change than others, I imagine. I was raised without religion, had no real expectations to live up to, lived day to day, hand to mouth most of my life, and believe strongly in nothing. I witnessed life in the drug culture for twenty years too, so obviously I had some mental adjustments to make. My convictions are few, but my patriotism is strong.
My family has been in this country since the late 1600's. I spent six years in the Army. So, we’ve established that the USA is my country, and I am a charter member patriot.
In the last eight years this country has been hijacked for the private interests of the ultra rich. It is a great country and my home. Unfortunately, it’s being driven not by the will of the people, but by the greed of a few. Elitists who think, despite what the masses want, that they know best. And what is best usually includes a large profit for them. That is not Democracy, but a facade of oligarchy.
Watch 9/11 re-visited.
Watch Zeitgeist.
I'm convinced The US government are the terrorists.
Take the war in Iraq. The American people were willing to stop Saddam Hussein from having WMD. But occupation? Here it is years later and our leaders are giving us every reason in the world to continue their policies, i.e.: Al Qaeda in Iraq, Iraqi Independence, The War on Terror… it's like a Star Trek series where in the Universe’s infinity the dangers are never ending.
Now that Iraq has it's new puppet Government, the problem is now in Afghanistan, coincidently along the pipeline route. And the War on Terror continues. Except, IT'S ALL BULLSHIT.
We are the terrorists.
We have taken Russia's place in Afghanistan, the same place we denounced them for taking from 1979-1989. The Taliban are the same as they were then, except now they're the bad guys fighting the good foreign invader? I'll say it again, we don't need permanent fortresses along that pipeline to search and destroy Al Qaeda (The news 08DEC07).
Watch Zeitgeist, America is being fed a line. The American Army is fighting so Profits can be made on a pipeline to supply INDIA. I don't give a fuck about Indian Markets. Do you?
And the elitists don't give a rat’s ass about a country, or people, or the average man. Money lives where life is best, so money doesn't care if a few hundred thousand people die, if countries are ravaged, if the poor starve, etc. Money won't be in the neighbourhood, just profits. The fact that it is a country other than America doesn't make it right (The Aliens 12JUL08). Even if they are American companies, or the American Army, exploitation is exploitation and imperialism is imperialism.
Enter my neighbor, a local schoolteacher and resident of Southern Oregon since the 70's. An intellectual. I think he can't resist opening minds and eyes, but he has successfully changed my outlook on some things by simply saying, “Hey, watch this.”
Those four titles above are great food for thought. Especially Zeitgeist and 9/11 Revisited. You can Google all four.... Zeitgeist has no picture the first two minutes, just words from the Dahli monk.
Now, most American’s live comfortably, myself included, but what am I willing to allow my country to do in order to make this the best place in the world to live? At the very least I want to know the truth.
I honestly cannot look at people who think those planes brought the WTC down without feelings of disgust for their ignorance.
I always felt these religious fanatics (Jihadists, Christian warriors etc) were brainwashed fools, but after Zeitgeist and the God Delusion I realize that I was a fool too. I am ashamed of my own ignorance and lack of education (part of the remorse for having screwed around for twenty years in the drug culture).
People here in the State of Jefferson question everything. Oregon is the most atheist state in the union. Fewest Catholics and Baptists. Independent Voters. This is Ron Paul country (probably due to his platform to repeal the income tax (there is a lot of non-taxable income in this area)). It is fertile soil for alternative lifestyles and ways of thinking, good and bad. Who knows what my mental makeup will be after a few more months?

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