How does an economy grow?
By passing dollars around. Not by sending them overseas. Exports go overseas. Buy American. Boycott businesses that are building foreign economies. Buy American.
Don't worry about American goods being more expensive; with the declining value of the dollar, with the American standard of living declining (ie. the elimination of the middle class), with the third world wages our manufacturers will be paying us, American goods will be cheap. So will American services. Remember, the more desperate people are for the basic necessities of life, the more willing they are to do more for less. 'Money' would like to see everybody desperate.
When you buy American, you contribute to your country, your fellow American citizen, the future of human rights, and the continuing fight for freedom from the 1% of the worlds population who control 80% of the worlds wealth.
So, why hasn't your new President, ObamaMan, once dictated to the American people to buy American? If Americans had spent the half a trillion in America that we owe China, well, where would we be? But ObamaMan can't do that because Americans have been sold out: Americans were sold the idea of "world markets" for American products, they weren't told that the products would be manufactured wherever labor was cheapest, and American labor would have to compete on that 'desperate' world level. Good for money. Good for poor, desperate people. Bad for America as a nation. It's like volunteering to lower our standard of living to that of the rest of the world.
ObamaMan would like you to believe a stimulus package can change this. I say, "nothing is going to save us." Especially repeating the same polices (overspending and borrowing) that created the problem.
Bring home the Troops.
Develop new energy sources.
Buy American.
Boycott contributing to overseas economies by boycotting companies that outsource American jobs.
Bite the Bullet. We don't need a special commission to figure this out, but we may need a REVOLUTION.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tales of Doom
I've been at the shack for 7 days now. I know there are people out there who would love to be alone in the mountains of southern Oregon for a week, but for me, well, I actually jogged two miles today on my mountain road, worked on the house, and now am writing this post to occupy myself. Maybe I should put this place on Craig's List as a $1500 a week mountain hideaway rental. One week rented a month would be cool. That would be enough I could be gone to the city to spend money.
Anyway, don't be a sucker, let your Congress Rep know, nothings going to save us; give the money to the Chinese and forget the bailout.
Hey, we owe it to them. I know how it feels. I want my money too. Now. And hell no, no more credit till I'm paid.
"COFFEE WARS, that's the first factor I want to consider. Not that Starbucks and Dunkin-Donuts will determine our national economy and save the housing market, but they are great indicators of the times. See, I don't think that improving a latte' , or customer service, is going to save Starbucks. As times get harder it is my bet that the extravagance of $3.50 cups of coffee will be one of the first luxuries to give way to reality: Look for coffee shops, cafe mochas, and Cappuccinos to disappear quicker than equity in a Las Vegas home."
(Coffee Wars, Property Prices, and Nothing Left to Lose 26Feb08)
It's a year later and the news has only gotten worse. I read an article this week written in 2004 by Mark S.. Watson, 'The oncoming economic depression.' Mr. Watson had foresight. I found the article interesting because it was exactly four years old. If Mr Watson is correct, and he seemed to be accurate back in 2004, don't look for things to improve for a long time. In a small, small, small world, America's big standard of living is going to shrink a little.
Remember the rich have no borders and don't care about the non-rich. You have money or you don't. Believe that, and this: money can live anywhere and cares not about nationality or allegiances. Former President Bush is developing a compound in Paraguay, isn't he? Of course that might be to avoid prosecution, or worse, but after what has happened in this country the last eight years, does anyone really think he gave a damn about the average American? And the strings that strung him damn sure didn't care about America.
Starbucks is closing another three hundred stores today. That 's what this letter is about. They were my measure a year ago and, unfortunately, they are my measure today and the first sentence of this paragraph says it all.
Welcome to the future. You'll be forced to live in a house that's not worth what you owe on it, as it's value decreases. Fuel prices and insurance will force you to mass transit where you'll be forced to meet people you don't want to meet, private transit will be restricted to the upper classes, and worst of all, you'll have to brew your own coffee because Starbucks will only be affordable to the wealthy.
Enjoy them while you still can...
Anyway, don't be a sucker, let your Congress Rep know, nothings going to save us; give the money to the Chinese and forget the bailout.
Hey, we owe it to them. I know how it feels. I want my money too. Now. And hell no, no more credit till I'm paid.
"COFFEE WARS, that's the first factor I want to consider. Not that Starbucks and Dunkin-Donuts will determine our national economy and save the housing market, but they are great indicators of the times. See, I don't think that improving a latte' , or customer service, is going to save Starbucks. As times get harder it is my bet that the extravagance of $3.50 cups of coffee will be one of the first luxuries to give way to reality: Look for coffee shops, cafe mochas, and Cappuccinos to disappear quicker than equity in a Las Vegas home."
(Coffee Wars, Property Prices, and Nothing Left to Lose 26Feb08)
It's a year later and the news has only gotten worse. I read an article this week written in 2004 by Mark S.. Watson, 'The oncoming economic depression.' Mr. Watson had foresight. I found the article interesting because it was exactly four years old. If Mr Watson is correct, and he seemed to be accurate back in 2004, don't look for things to improve for a long time. In a small, small, small world, America's big standard of living is going to shrink a little.
Remember the rich have no borders and don't care about the non-rich. You have money or you don't. Believe that, and this: money can live anywhere and cares not about nationality or allegiances. Former President Bush is developing a compound in Paraguay, isn't he? Of course that might be to avoid prosecution, or worse, but after what has happened in this country the last eight years, does anyone really think he gave a damn about the average American? And the strings that strung him damn sure didn't care about America.
Starbucks is closing another three hundred stores today. That 's what this letter is about. They were my measure a year ago and, unfortunately, they are my measure today and the first sentence of this paragraph says it all.
Welcome to the future. You'll be forced to live in a house that's not worth what you owe on it, as it's value decreases. Fuel prices and insurance will force you to mass transit where you'll be forced to meet people you don't want to meet, private transit will be restricted to the upper classes, and worst of all, you'll have to brew your own coffee because Starbucks will only be affordable to the wealthy.
Enjoy them while you still can...
Foreign Debt,
United States
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The Terrorist Within
A very interesting story today about young Somali-American men disappearing from their American homes only to re-appear in Somalia, where they are being trained as islamic jihadists. The implications of this intelligence are obvious; terrorist jihadists raised in America, that know America, will likely become American 'cells' for the organization in the future. Some of the young men have actually called home to tell their parents what they're up to, and to wish them good-bye declaring, "[they] will see them in Heaven."
I remember a long time ago in a secret room, in a building that is classified and thus requires a security clearance to enter, watching a film that was titled 'The Enemy Within'. The thrust of that film was the danger of traitors within the Intelligence world. These young men would probably not be admitted to the Intelligence world; their backgrounds too closely tied to their immigrant roots: too many overseas relatives, etc. But they could become the 'terrorists within' by simply returning to the US and waiting for their orders.
I'm sure in the future the issue will come up as to whether or not these young men should be allowed to return to the United States. Is it against the law to be kidnapped/ run away to Somalia to fight in a holy war? Under any circumstances should these men be allowed to bring that fight here?? Have they renounced their citizenship, or declared America the great Satan?
Unfortunately, there is no reconciliation between Islam and Christianity, or any other religion, I imagine. You either believe in the savior for the chosen religion, or you are an infidel and doomed to hell. Not much room for negotiation. Therefore militant jihadists should be denied entry to the country. But...
IF I was an American who spoke English as my first language (or at least without a noticeable accent) and I wanted to return to America without being noticed, could America keep me from crossing the Mexican-American border?
We better spend some of that recovery money on a real border with Mexico, or be prepared for horror stories from abroad.
'Terrorists within' are like paratroopers that don't have to be dropped from the sky. Their use bring forth visions of the worst. Especially since these brainwashed religious warriors could be controlled by anyone, are willing to do anything, and as God's warriors need show no conscious in their self-righteousness. Who knows what doom will befall us in a move to change policy, sway American opinion, or (God forbid) if we are actually attacked from a Foreign source from a cave.
Regardless of who the true perpetrator is, you can be sure of this; future terrorist attacks are coming. The jihad is not going to go away, religious zealotry is not going to suddenly disappear, and devastating acts done in the name of God are not going to end in the near future.
I remember a long time ago in a secret room, in a building that is classified and thus requires a security clearance to enter, watching a film that was titled 'The Enemy Within'. The thrust of that film was the danger of traitors within the Intelligence world. These young men would probably not be admitted to the Intelligence world; their backgrounds too closely tied to their immigrant roots: too many overseas relatives, etc. But they could become the 'terrorists within' by simply returning to the US and waiting for their orders.
I'm sure in the future the issue will come up as to whether or not these young men should be allowed to return to the United States. Is it against the law to be kidnapped/ run away to Somalia to fight in a holy war? Under any circumstances should these men be allowed to bring that fight here?? Have they renounced their citizenship, or declared America the great Satan?
Unfortunately, there is no reconciliation between Islam and Christianity, or any other religion, I imagine. You either believe in the savior for the chosen religion, or you are an infidel and doomed to hell. Not much room for negotiation. Therefore militant jihadists should be denied entry to the country. But...
IF I was an American who spoke English as my first language (or at least without a noticeable accent) and I wanted to return to America without being noticed, could America keep me from crossing the Mexican-American border?
We better spend some of that recovery money on a real border with Mexico, or be prepared for horror stories from abroad.
'Terrorists within' are like paratroopers that don't have to be dropped from the sky. Their use bring forth visions of the worst. Especially since these brainwashed religious warriors could be controlled by anyone, are willing to do anything, and as God's warriors need show no conscious in their self-righteousness. Who knows what doom will befall us in a move to change policy, sway American opinion, or (God forbid) if we are actually attacked from a Foreign source from a cave.
Regardless of who the true perpetrator is, you can be sure of this; future terrorist attacks are coming. The jihad is not going to go away, religious zealotry is not going to suddenly disappear, and devastating acts done in the name of God are not going to end in the near future.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Slammin' Obama
We don't have to wait for the President-elect to get into office to start forgetting campaign promises. He is already back-peddling and the oath is still eight days away... terrible that 'Change We Can Believe In' is already shackled by reality.
I thought the President-elect said he would "bring the troops home"? Not shift thirty thousand from Iraq to Afghanistan, not start talking delays and logistics; Home is Home. If there is a problem in Afghanistan, We can bomb it... Period. We don't need Americans there guarding oil routes and pipelines. With an overwhelming majority of the American people disapproving of the Bush administration and it's policies, NOW is the time to walk the walk.
We don't need to occupy Afghanistan or Iraq to fight the War on Terror. We ARE the Terror in many aspects. Bring the Troops home.
A news report today stated that Obama was advised by Vice-President Cheney recently that the President-elect should examine the intelligence collected first and then consider closing Guantanimo Bay, to which he agreed... ???????????
Why didn't Obama say, "After I'm elected, and then after being advised by Vice President Cheney, I'll decide whether or not to close Gitmo"? The above is not the same as "I'll close Gitmo and stop the torture."
Additionally, all over the news is the Gay Bishop offended that the Right Wing Mega-church pastor was invited to do a prayer, when the mega-pastor guy has made disparaging comments about gays, and Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah....I've said it before.
Anyway, I've already written Senator Obama a letter telling him that "just in case those right wing religious fanatical maniacs don't disappear in one glorious moment of ecstasy and leave it all to me, then after [he's] elected [he] should institute a 'No Representation without Taxation' clause regarding the separation of Church and State clause and change the laws to keep these Stone Age Fear-mongers out of Politics. You Know, people like Sarah Palin."
Separation of Church and State; since both these guys represent churches they should be banned from anything to do with State affairs. Period. No representation without taxation. In God we Trust, but all 'Church' affairs should be kept separate from 'State'.
Why doesn't Obama just have them swear him in and start the Jazz? It's ridiculous to give these guys more air time; it's insulting to the Muslims they don't get a prayer, and how about the Buddhists? Don't they get a 'Ommmmmmm'? Will we have a moment of blasphemy for the atheists?
Bunch of Bullshit. Tell 'em all to pay taxes and then they can whine! Better yet, they should buy their spot.
One last thing; 'Change we can believe in'......... IF the Obama administration has the courage to investigate George Bush for High Crimes and Misdemeanors then that will be 'Change' we can believe in. Other wise it's like the song, 'Same old Bullshit, Same old Rock and Roll'.
Monday, January 12, 2009
The Cygnus Rift...

...Or maybe the Sun goes cold in the Cygnus Rift; from what I understand, a dark spot in the Galaxy.
Nostradamus predicted dire consequences on the date, in the MURKY, not quite certain way that Nostradamus predicted everything. In this case he shows the Tree of Life being clubbed.
Watching the History Channel address the matter last night, I learned that the Pyramids line up to point to the same spot in the sky where the Sun rises on 211212. Now that is something to think about. The Pyramids were out of this world? We still can't explain how they moved some of those rocks. So what knowledge were they exhibiting when they lined up those pyramids to point at Sunrise 21 Dec 2012 ?
The date on the cycle was important to them, but why?
It's Armageddon week on the History channel this week so it'll probably be a lot of doom and gloom. Tonight is 'The Seven Signs of the Apocalypse'. Good Shit!
When I think about it...what IF the world knew of some calamity that would end Life, or The day GOD would arrive (or Aliens) three years before it happened. That's what I'm talking about; Countdown. Now that would be some drama!
Anyway, this Cygnus Rift is serious shit in some people's minds, but (the way I see it) we've passed this spot before about 26,920 years ago. So far I haven't found anything significant about 24,000 BC. At least not as Earth shaking as a visit from God.
A visit from an Asteroid is much more statistically probable. As a matter of fact, odds are, some uncharted boulder with no intent, or malice, will bring the whole show to an end. I can hardly believe it will be planned. More like 'a chip off the old block' and junior's planet is decimated. I'd bet that is not the scenario the Mayans foresaw.
After watching the second night of 'Armageddon Week' on the History Channel; 'The Seven Signs of the Apocalypse' was last night's show, I realize that people whom like to worry, have a lot to be concerned with. There are Plague, Pandemics, Asteroids, God's wrath, and the Sun crossing the mid point of the galaxy.
That's not seven. There's more. Why go on? If you're religious, YOU know GOD controls everything. If you're not religious, YOU realize it's out of control. Ask the Dinosaurs.
You know what I think? I think people really want the place to end during their own lifetime, so they don't miss anything, that's why they spend so much effort trying to see and even induce the END.
Fear runs the world. Don't be afraid of what you can ignore.
Where the hell did this go? I'm supposed to be contemplating Timelessness and the Cycles of the Universe in relation to Man and Eternal life. Here's one conclusion... the individual life cycle on this planet is so brief in relation to the cycles of the Universe, it is hard to believe our very existence could be significant without feeling like I'm flattering mankind.
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