We don't have to wait for the President-elect to get into office to start forgetting campaign promises. He is already back-peddling and the oath is still eight days away... terrible that 'Change We Can Believe In' is already shackled by reality.
I thought the President-elect said he would "bring the troops home"? Not shift thirty thousand from Iraq to Afghanistan, not start talking delays and logistics; Home is Home. If there is a problem in Afghanistan, We can bomb it... Period. We don't need Americans there guarding oil routes and pipelines. With an overwhelming majority of the American people disapproving of the Bush administration and it's policies, NOW is the time to walk the walk.
We don't need to occupy Afghanistan or Iraq to fight the War on Terror. We ARE the Terror in many aspects. Bring the Troops home.
A news report today stated that Obama was advised by Vice-President Cheney recently that the President-elect should examine the intelligence collected first and then consider closing Guantanimo Bay, to which he agreed... ???????????
Why didn't Obama say, "After I'm elected, and then after being advised by Vice President Cheney, I'll decide whether or not to close Gitmo"? The above is not the same as "I'll close Gitmo and stop the torture."
Additionally, all over the news is the Gay Bishop offended that the Right Wing Mega-church pastor was invited to do a prayer, when the mega-pastor guy has made disparaging comments about gays, and Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah....I've said it before.
Anyway, I've already written Senator Obama a letter telling him that "just in case those right wing religious fanatical maniacs don't disappear in one glorious moment of ecstasy and leave it all to me, then after [he's] elected [he] should institute a 'No Representation without Taxation' clause regarding the separation of Church and State clause and change the laws to keep these Stone Age Fear-mongers out of Politics. You Know, people like Sarah Palin."
Separation of Church and State; since both these guys represent churches they should be banned from anything to do with State affairs. Period. No representation without taxation. In God we Trust, but all 'Church' affairs should be kept separate from 'State'.
Why doesn't Obama just have them swear him in and start the Jazz? It's ridiculous to give these guys more air time; it's insulting to the Muslims they don't get a prayer, and how about the Buddhists? Don't they get a 'Ommmmmmm'? Will we have a moment of blasphemy for the atheists?
Bunch of Bullshit. Tell 'em all to pay taxes and then they can whine! Better yet, they should buy their spot.
One last thing; 'Change we can believe in'......... IF the Obama administration has the courage to investigate George Bush for High Crimes and Misdemeanors then that will be 'Change' we can believe in. Other wise it's like the song, 'Same old Bullshit, Same old Rock and Roll'.
Great article! Keep up the good work!