Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Bush Six

Watching the O'Reilly factor tonight, I got the distinct impression that this O'Reilly guy was trying extremely hard to convince me that Spain is wrong in indicting "The Bush Six". O'reilly was over the top, going as far as threatening Spain about "the American response" to such action. O'Reilly was indignant about Spain pursuing violations of international law forbidding torture against the Bush Six. I applaud the Spaniards. IF the Bush Six did not break international law they have nothing to fear. Justice is Justice.
On the other hand, Law is Law, and if others in the world cry foul and point the finger at America, they cannot be wrong simply because we are America, it is International Law that must be the deciding factor, and we must avoid that arrogance of which Americans are so often accused. Thus, it is a shame that the Spaniards are doing America's dirtywork.
Here's the Bradline though, and here is the real danger to those whom are pulling O'reillys strings, for he obviously is somebody's puppet ; If a real investigation of the Bush administration were to be made, it could reveal far reaching criminal action back to, and before, 9\11. ( Of course , I am of the belief that it takes so much preparation to implode a 105 story building that flying a plane into the side of the structure could not possibly drop it perfectly in it' s own footprint,........ Turning all it's concrete to dust......Twice on the same day. )
Remember Watergate, one thing led to another , someone got a sniff of the true story, and the rest is History. That is the danger to Bush and Cheney and the Empire of this indictment. And that is why we're being told to reject Spain's accusations of crimes against high level Bush administration officials. It might lead to something bigger. Like the guillotine. I encourage Spain to help US keep our government accountable. America should be doing everything she can to prevent another hijacking of the peoples money and will , like that suffered during the Bush years.
Which brings us to The Obama Administration increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan. Time to stop the witch hunt and bring the troops home. Heroin is cheaper than a six pack of beer in the Northeast US. Capiscete ?
Ain't no Afghani ever done nothing to me, and if American oil companies need a pipeline to India, let India secure the route. American borders need to be secured first and foremost, and there are pirates in Africa, but chasing ghosts in the mountains bordering Pakistan and Afghanistan ?
C'mon . it is absolute bullshit these wars have drug on for years at the expense of the common man, and for the profit of the elite. Do they not fit into the definition of Privatizing profits and Scializing losses.? And One way to stop the bullshit is for America to be held accountable for her actions .
Again, I applaud Spain, and challenge the Obama administration to drop the " let's look forward " bullshit, and prosecute the criminals of the Bush era, whomever they may be, torturers or bankers.
Unfortunately....the criminals of the Bush era just work for another frontman now. Can We Believe things have changed? Hell no, they just change the label on the can of bullshit.

1 comment:

  1. Son, rogue elements in the Bush Administration, and the US intelligence networks, conspired and then acted to destroy the twin towers in the hope that it would create both mass panic and, consequently, enough public support to pass these Homeland Security Acts. Which would then enable these said 'rogue elements' to instigate a new phase of imperialism abroad and erosion of Civil Right at home.

    It's admirable that you're willing to go abroad and fight in an effort to support your country. Unfortunately though, on this occasion, you ain't doing nothing more than go over to fight for the rights of rich white men to own them some slaves.

    Hell, and I thought that war was done fought a 150 years ago.
