Saturday, June 5, 2010

The World

Recently, my life in turmoil, uncertain of what I want, or what to do, I became depressed. I began to worry. About the only time I feel good is when I watch the news. Watching the world around me sink faster than myself is consoling to some degree. Despite everything wrong in my world in my mind, it doesn't seem as bad as a volcano ash'ing the crops and disrupting air traffic. My daily worries don't compare to those of people living on the Gulf coast. How helpless they must feel as they watch their world destroyed. I worry about how far reaching economically the calamity will be; one more straw on the Camel's back. OIL; only now as crude ruins our own shores do we begin to look at OIL companies as evil. How ironic that many others suffer in OIL wars that we support elsewhere, and that is fine. OIL; bribes our politicians, invades foreign countries, pollutes our world. Are the riots over in Greece? I thought money problems in Greece would lead to more financial uncertainty, but the dollar got stronger. I guess the world isn't as small as they want US to believe. Watching Israel attack, Watching North Korea attack, Watching the water attack (Tennessee), I realize I can be happy in a hole, if it's dry and warm, and there's somebody to share my misery with, 'cause Life is wonderful, every Miserable moment, and Israel and North Korea must know it because they live in the misery of war endlessly. All the news is OIL. This time next year, after the oil spill, the coming hurricane season, and the overactive tornado season, everybody will be migrating west. I hope it drives property prices up, but whom knows? I was looking at property prices over the last forty years here in the Sacramento area, up and down, burst bubble and all, they still seem to double every twenty years. Future prices? 2009 fourth quarter commentary stated an increase in values,...but 2010 first quarter commentary is predicting -10%,.... better beat those prices down even further if you want to get in the door with equity! New Bradland hasn't sold yet,....... but I'm looking for a 33 and 1/3% profit. I'll let everybody know when the world improves that much. Bradman

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