Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Inequality is the result of specific policies, including tax policies, championed by Washington Democrats and Republicans alike as they conduct a bidding war for high-rolling donors in election after election. They're all bought and sold. It’s not complicated. It was supposed to be change we can believe in, but I don’t see any changes that I believe in. I don’t see legal prosecution of the bankers whom arranged to steal our money. I don’t see government officials whom were supposed to monitor stocks and securities being pursued for negligence of duty. They seem to be the president’s friends. As matter of fact , it’s hard to tell the criminals from the government officials. Maybe because they’re the same. That’s not change, it’s the same as the last set of criminals in the oval office. There is a lot of talk about extending the Bush tax cuts and that’s not change. The new President refused to investigate the crimes of the previous administration (9/11), refused to give the American people the truth about his predecessor and the evil designs that guided the Bush administration. That makes him an accomplice and as guilty as the previous administration, but that’s not change. Bush refused to give us the truth repeatedly. The puppet has a new head but the same hands are pulling the strings. Oh, and the prelude to the next rip-off is coming; How our impending financial ruin as a nation will make it necessary to cut our Social Security and health benefits. What a crock of shit! Tax cuts, Two never ending wars, the robbing of our banks, our jobs, and our monetary security has led to our impending financial ruin. But get ready because the attack on the lower and middle class is far from over and the changes you can believe in are not the ones you were expecting. Isn’t watching our leaders rob us blind while we get less starting to make you angry? It’s maddening! How much longer can America go before a real revolution is upon us? One of anarchy and violence. What will it take for “Change we can believe in?” A purple President? As a people we are not far from uprising. Every day more people are sick of watching the waste, the bullshit, the bought and sold mainstream media feeding us what they want us to think. ( The shame of journalism that they suppressed the truth of 9/11). It’s all so complicated, and then; ………………It’s really simple……

There was a story in China recently about the son of a local police chief running down a college student. As the man sped away he shouted “I’m Li Gang’s son” and fled. It was just the kind of story of elite privilege and string pulling the Chinese Government wanted to suppress. Unfortunately, for the government, the story and the government’s attempts to suppress it went viral on the internet. The end result was that “I’m Li Gang’s son” is now a catch-phrase for shirking responsibility, being above the law, being privileged, not doing the dishes. We have a Government that is now the son of Li Gang. They do what they want, have their own agenda, rob us blind, then rob US again by committing our tax money to their robberies, and are above the law for all intents and purposes . We Vote them in and they refuse to investigate the past because they don't want anybody looking back when they leave office. Pure treachery. When the Obama administration refused to "look back" at the crimes of the Bush adminstration, and we as a people allowed it, then we also invited the next round of thievery. It will be an attempt on the very securities we have paid for our entire lives; Social Security and Medicare. Don’t let the Government put the losses on US. Make them all pay with their Jobs, too. Bradman

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