Friday, February 22, 2008

Murderers named Peterson. Serbia, Kosovo, Obama, yo' Mama...........

...............................................Yo' daddy and Osama, everybody wants to rule the World!
It's raining here today. It's raining everywhere on the West Coast. Almost out of firewood, I had to fall three dead cedars and cut firewwod this week. Tweaked my back on the third one, been lying in bed for two days now. There is nothing like a Back Problem to make one realize that Good Health is most important: Not being able to move without pain really drives the point home. Living as I do, movement is necessary, there is always work and there is no next neighbor door in case of an emergency, just the airlift.
Rain is nice. The holes in my driveway fill full of water and there is no guess-work as to where to place the next load of small boulders and break them into gravel. The good life. Simple. If I had meals served it would be equivalent to a little forced hard time. The difference is I cook for myself and the labor is a result of necessity, not sentencing. Someday I'll charge a buyer for every load of rock. Someday..........
Speaking of buyers, and sellers: The adjoining piece of property to mine is for sale: 8.66 acres, 3bd 2ba 2006 modular home, $249,950.00. Makes an undivided half of my property( 9.72 ac. total) for $40,000 look pretty good. I may sell the whole place for $125,000, make fifty g , worry about the tax man later. I know my neighbor will be delighted to see my place at half the price of his. If that doesn't happen then I'll turn the whole place after two years( November) for a profit and start looking for another principal residence. I've been here sixteen months now, it's almost time to capitalize. It seems like a long time from my perspective, but I would bet for those whom have lived their lives in exactly the same fashion for the same period of time, the previous sixteen months seems like yesterday. Be careful, lifetimes slip away in the same fashion.
Change makes for good markers when it comes to time. Accomplishments are even better. One can spend a lifetime in routine: Looking back at endless, repetitious days that have no distinguishing factor, measuring time by how much the principal on their residence has decreased, or how much sick leave they've accumulated. There is nothing wrong with that. It's safe.( Mistakes and failure are also good markers of time, though not as pleasant to reflect upon.) In the end one cashes in a lifetime of work, or dies and leaves it to be inherited, but either way it's "in the end".
In the END, I would imagine everyone has regrets, I already do, but I don't want to be sorry that Comfort and Familiarity deprived me of the desire for adventure. I don't want to visit adventure, I want to live it! (safely ). The next adventure will start in November, maybe in Italy. ( I always wondered why everyone didn't sail off to the new world in the 1500's, the equivalent of going to the moon today.)
My oldest son, Bradley Garrett, already a world traveler, will be moving to Milan in three months to study Italian in country and if I can convince him he likes me, I'm going to learn to drink wine. It's that or off to China to teach English. China is appealing because my checks will continue to go to the bank while I work there. I could bank in America, work and live in China, visit Italy by going west.
I always thought I'd make a good "bad" guy in the Chinese movies, You know, rap a little chink, get my assed kicked on film, be the whiteman chinese love to hate, make a few bucks and go to Thailand to research perversion. Sounds good to me even without the higher education.
My back hurts, I'll have to get back to you with the rest of this letter later.

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