Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Mine For the Day

It gets worse everyday, this election process. Sen. Hillary already sounds like a sore loser, like she had something stolen from her, and Sen. Obama like a smarter Jesse Jackson. I still like the short guy with the red headed wife. Obama is not the man to run the country at this point. Hillary isn't the woman. If Hillary could just be a black man I think we'd have a democratic candidate.
Has any Presidential candidate before pulled such overwhelming support from the black vote? Is it about race? Ask Oprah who she would have supported if all the candidates were white? Undoubtedly a woman? Isn't her audience predominately female? Yet she supports a male over the female candidate? Race over gender? Like something from Oprah.The hypocrisy of that speaks for itself!
Now here is the question... In this year of 2008, when most socially conscious Americans living in an enlightened world condemn racism, at least publicly, why is it sooooooo important to black Americans to elect a black man President? I don't know. Obviously, I am not a black American.
When I talk to my friends, white, middle class-assholes for the most part, like me, I don't get the impression that 80% of them will vote against Sen. Obama because he's black. Are 80% of woman voting for Sen. Clinton? How about 80% of non-black women? If 'it's not about race' is a lie and it is about race, is race really the right criteria to elect a President?
McCain for no change. I think we better start the process again..... America still needs a next President, or at least a good actor.... c'mon Fred.

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