Tuesday, May 20, 2008

McCain for No Change

I'm a troubled soul and my teeth don't fit properly, but I still don't work my jaw around as much as Senator John McCain. Every time I see the Senator, he seems exasperated with the ignorance that questions him. If we were all enlightened then, of course, we would agree with him. Meanwhile, isn't it bothersome, all these questions? He reminds me of old men I bothered as a kid.
Admiral Grandpa and Admiral Pa never faced this type of scrutiny. Admirals give orders, make choices, mold worlds. Nobody questioned the admirals.The military is authoritarian. John McCain is a military man. Can you see where I'm going with this? I'm just getting started, too.
I got shit to say about Senator McCain. First thing, it would be best to leave 'wives' out of the campaign. A word of the wise to the McCain campaign.
Secondly, I don't want anyone who suffered at the hands of captors as long as Senator McCain did as President.
I respect the Senator, however, he failed his mission, was captured, was unable to escape, and has to be scarred, deeply, from the experience. I don't want little voices in the night, or the necessity to exert his 'power' (free at last from the cage) running the country.
I've said it before, too. If they'll do anything to get elected, don't elect them. And the tactics. I saw the original debate where Obama said he would 'talk' with our adversaries. First Hillary, and now McCain, distort that statement way out of proportion. Dirty tactics. McCain should recognize someone's got to lose, and take the high road. Win or lose, 2 to 1 he's dead in eight years, regardless. A vote for McCain is a vote for no change.


First we disband all international companies. Afterward, we cancel all debt owed to foreign countries and freeze all monies in American banks. As part of our new Isolationist Government, we will allow no money to leave the country, keep all monies in the country, and seize all foreign assets. There will be no imports and no exports. If we need it and don't have it, we'll initialize the Imperialistic half of the new Government. conquer and exploit. Kick their ass, make 'em a state, give 'em a fair cut.
The American way. Don't question me; my forefathers fought, kicked ass, and created states from the country's inception: the American way!
Everybody feel better politically about your choices now?

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