Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Now It Is Our Time

It is now Your Time Gentlemen.
It is your duty and responsibility to the American People to speak out from Experience, Memory, and Knowledge; Those who were alive in the seventies, Who Remember the Protests, The Administrations Lies, the Bullshit, and especially those who served as proud Americans and saw the cost, first hand, of at the expense of the 1%. Those who were shelled, while Shell oil transports sat in the harbor within range of the enemy's weapons, but were immune to attack because Shell paid the Vietnamese not to do so. It is your duty to remind America of the guile of her politicians. (One of many stories the country should be reminded of...)
And why now? Because there are many other similarities between the seventies and the present, that those who were there should remember. The reason we were in Vietnam?
To stop the ‘spread’ of communism? And today’s fear? The ‘spread’ of nuclear weapons. And who is using that ‘spread’ word and continuing to propagate fear of ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’ and ‘Al Qaeda in Iraq’ and ‘Axis of Terror’ etc?
Our GOOD OL' BOY: John McCain for no change. This jerk wants to recycle the mistakes of the Seventies; probably thinks our memories are completely up in smoke!
Another similarity to the Seventies? Recession. Inflation. Skyrocketing oil prices (Vietnam wasn't helping. Iraq isn't helping).
And the Commander of all US forces in the Pacific? John McCain's Father. 1968.
A Position very Close to the top, I would imagine. A man whom would know the truth, have to be a team player and, maybe, get a cut of the Profit? Or maybe have his wife get a cut? We questioned the whole damn war, so why shouldn't I now question the integrity of the Admiral, and his successor? The Vietnam war was an imperialistic military action for a Profit. So is Iraq. Like father like Son. Let's remember and end it now!
John McCain is showing the signs of a man who will do anything to win.
How Senator McCain can stand and state that Senator Obama has no right to question his action in regards to our veteran affairs because Senator Obama is not a veteran is outrageous. It is exactly the kind of arrogance and attitude that makes Senator John McCain a dangerous candidate, and a pompous asshole.
I spent six years in the Army, and my family spent three hundred years before that conquering, and defending this country, so that everyone (including Senator Obama) can give their opinion and question the Powers that be! I am American; would the Senator ever question my right to question him by virtue of his position?
Additionally, Senator McCain is willing to continue the current policies that waste billions of dollars a day, yet votes against a bill for veterans benefits that cost less per year than a days worth of folly in Iraq? That is not a veteran's actions. Those are the actions of The Profiteer. The Senators actions belie his words, and he is not a veteran that this veteran would trusts.
And I'm a super-American-voice; my family are North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountain Hillbilly charter members.

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