We cool. We are the counter-culture, black market, earth news, mother earth, got dredlocks, Barter? Whom blew the towers?, Bradland , Bradman, Bradlaw, Peter Pan culture that rocks in Na Na NaNaNaNa live for today land of OZ everryone wants to balloon to. Australia is probably different too.
Santana jams while I start to put the foundation in; A couple of pieces of eye beam I'll cement into the ground vertically shouldn't rust away in my lifetime. Then a 2x12 crosspiece to support the floor joist running off the house, lay some 2x8 floor joist, then some inch and a quarter tongue and groove plywood and we'll be drinking and waving to tourists from the new deck next week. Haul out the Barbecue, and the stereo, because these mountains rock.
Walls will go up in July. Lots more mirrored windows. And of course I'll adhere to that custom look that says, No carpenter experience and No permits throughout. Everybody will love it , the tourists will stop and take pictures, like they do now, and we'll print postcards and send them out With the caption, " IT COULD BE WORSE" .
And of course it could. We could have nothing to look forward to. Thats the trick of course, to have something to work towards: A trip to Australia, a cubs game in the city of the Bulls , a big room for Octoberfest, better Gumbo. Life is soooooooooooo wonderful. Aren't you glad we were never afraid? Now just be smarter than I was. Intelligence does encompass apprehension too.
Here's hoping Dorothy is giving you the tour of the Yellow Brick road and the wicked witch of the south is a mistress in black, jand not a widow.