Friday, July 31, 2009
Cash for Clunkers

Thursday, July 30, 2009
The Caterpillar

Indian Mythology:
To many of the Pueblo the hummingbird is a tobacco bird. In one myth
Hummingbird gets smoke from Caterpillar, the guardian of the tobacco plant.
Hummingbird brings smoke to the shamans so they can purify the earth.
Cool huh? Catching the hummingbird was like christening the room. Never underestimate the Caterpillar or a bald man. Bradman
Monday, July 27, 2009
Hot in the Pacific Northwest
Global warming? The people in the Northeast USA might argue that they haven't seen Summer this year, but it has been, and continues to be, HOT in the west. Last week I went south on I-5 and found it necessary to travel after dark; it is too hot at 100 plus degrees to travel on the motorcycle during the day. The air is like a body size hair-blower, 105 degress at 80 miles per hour. Add the heat of the sun reflected off the asphalt, or worse, the white concrete of the road, and the heat off the engine, and you have all the ingredients for broiled Brad. In the 350 miles between Grants Pass and Sactown you can lose a hat size under your helmet.
Normally the Pacific Northwest doesn't suffer these 100 plus degree temperatures. I am three miles from the California border so Bradland endures some heat every year but people in Portland and Seattle are usually a lot cooler. I have decided to add an air conditioner to the new room. It's about time I suffered a little comfort while others are miserable. As a matter of fact I've been considering a central heat and air unit for the Octoberfest room. Right after I get the toilet hooked to the septic tank and have a place to shit that flushes. You prissy mothers.
Constuction continues. The exterior is complete on one side, half done on the other, unstarted on the third; right on schedule. I work on the place before noon and after five. As the sun chases the shade around the building I move from place to place until it's so hot there is no place to work without melting. Then it's time to eat and take a nap. Just kidding. Nobody can sleep in this heat. At least not without climate control.
I was in Grants Pass earlier and the thermometer read 107 at the bank.103 at another. The bank in Cave Junction read 99 at 7:30 this evening. Every swimming hole on the 28 mile drive was packed with people trying to beat the heat . I think it's time to retrieve the kayak from the valley and become a river rat again. Anyway there's the weather report from this side of the world.
Normally the Pacific Northwest doesn't suffer these 100 plus degree temperatures. I am three miles from the California border so Bradland endures some heat every year but people in Portland and Seattle are usually a lot cooler. I have decided to add an air conditioner to the new room. It's about time I suffered a little comfort while others are miserable. As a matter of fact I've been considering a central heat and air unit for the Octoberfest room. Right after I get the toilet hooked to the septic tank and have a place to shit that flushes. You prissy mothers.
Constuction continues. The exterior is complete on one side, half done on the other, unstarted on the third; right on schedule. I work on the place before noon and after five. As the sun chases the shade around the building I move from place to place until it's so hot there is no place to work without melting. Then it's time to eat and take a nap. Just kidding. Nobody can sleep in this heat. At least not without climate control.
I was in Grants Pass earlier and the thermometer read 107 at the bank.103 at another. The bank in Cave Junction read 99 at 7:30 this evening. Every swimming hole on the 28 mile drive was packed with people trying to beat the heat . I think it's time to retrieve the kayak from the valley and become a river rat again. Anyway there's the weather report from this side of the world.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Busy in the Summer

Every time I think this property is going to actually SELL, and the next adventure is about to begin, the deal dies and so does the excitement of a new road. My Aunt says I don't seem unhappy on the old road. The truth is.... ( there it is again) the old road gets better every day and in todays economic climate that's nothing to complain about.
Mostly I get impatient; I get tired of inching ahead, I want to leap forward. I don't like waiting for the next check and the materials it will buy to continue building the Octoberfest room, I want to Build it now! I want production and accomplishment at a rate I can't financially sustain. I want the world and I want it NOW.
When construction stops due to lack of funds, ...I'll spend the food money on materials. Diet. Once the food money is being negotiated for materials it's only a matter of time before all aspects of my financial life start to feel the squeeze. Is there gas money? What if something breaks down? Can I afford a trip to the city and Love? When I'm tapped out will there be weed to smoke while I play spider Solitaire? All for a shack I want to sell. Damned when I do, Bored when I don't. Busy is better.
Anyway, I was just thinking what if China wanted to build a pipeline to Mexico through Southern Oregon and the locals had to become Taliban to resist the foreign profiteers? Ridiculous huh?
Bring the troops home now. Investigate and pursue the illegal actions of the previous administration. Bring our own countries criminals (Bush, Cheney etc.) to justice . Get busy. It's Summer.
Ps - A room with a view
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Boys With Money
I had some boys with money from the Portland area down for a visit yesterday. Individuals living in the suburbs, bored and comfortable, existing in the customary fashion of the retired and affluent in America. I imagine.
They were going to Grants Pass to a Hot Rod shop to acquire parts for one of their toys, and, being that close , they came the forty miles down the Redwood highway to see Bradland. Not that they wanted to, but, they didn't want to come that close to Bradland and offend me by not stopping either. They'd like an invitation to my Octoberfest party.
They were impressed They especially liked my yard art. They suggested I add some new members to the family. They stayed about twenty minutes. Paradise.
Aaaaahhhh ...........these guys are soft. I'm sure they would drive the ten miles to town before they shit in a bucket. They need to get mountainfied. This is still a frontier. This ain't the eastern Sierra; This is the wilderness. This ain't no ranchette outside of Portland. It's dark here after the sun goes down. Large cats sharpen their claws on trees eight feet up the trunk. The bears get drunk on over ripe black-berries and come to dinner. On Sunday a grizzly knocked over my neighbors fence at 1200 Happy Camp rd and he was afraid to go outside and lock up the chicken coup. He had to call the State police. I'm going to drive down later and give him my number. Next time he can call me. I just got a bigger caliber rifle out of the safe. No wonder the neighbor's dog been barking. Yeah....Everybody ought to come to Bradland ....get a new perspective on what you got.
I was in the city the last three days. Arrived home to an "offer'' for Bradland. After three days in the city I'm not so froggy to jump.( 105, 102,.105.101,...the high temperatures on the days I was there). The buyers are local boys whom have looked in Josephine county and realize there is not much land for sale at the price of Bradland. I like Josephine county. They think they can make it work. I admire their spirit. I hope they come up with a solid offer and the 60k down in the next ten days......
People keep asking me what will I do if I sell this property? Go to Italy. Go to China. Be nineteen. Become a hundred millionaire. Play jazz harmonica. Be Happy. Get old and nice. Alice and Brad lost in their lands. Anyway, another year older and it was a good one.
While I was celebrating did the world stop? Is the Iranian revolution for freedom over ? Did Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett come back to life? Every news broadcast I've seen is All about Michael Jackson . There's a memorial at the Apollo theatre; Everybody's Attorney, There's Joe Jackson sounding like a car salesman; And there is that microphone sucking Al Sharpton . Let the sensationalism start! Of course, he's really no worse than all the other players, dance contests, talent shows, reverends, etc whom will commercialize Michaels death into a three ring circus. Reminds me of the story of the Colonel opening a meeting after Elvis's death by flatly stating, " This changes nothing".
You could call into to the entertainment shows to cast your vote today, " Who was the best entertainer, Michael, Elvis, or the Beatles?" (Longevity will be in the music, not the dance, I believe).
Just one of the sick questions, viewers of various shows can express an opinion on. You would think some of this is a little premature though. Couldn't we at least wait for the guy to be buried before the real circus begins? I personally think they're going to keep the concert dates and Michael is going to make his greatest comeback ever during the Thriller segment......
I had some boys with money from the Portland area down for a visit yesterday. Individuals living in the suburbs, bored and comfortable, existing in the customary fashion of the retired and affluent in America. I imagine.
They were going to Grants Pass to a Hot Rod shop to acquire parts for one of their toys, and, being that close , they came the forty miles down the Redwood highway to see Bradland. Not that they wanted to, but, they didn't want to come that close to Bradland and offend me by not stopping either. They'd like an invitation to my Octoberfest party.
They were impressed They especially liked my yard art. They suggested I add some new members to the family. They stayed about twenty minutes. Paradise.
Aaaaahhhh ...........these guys are soft. I'm sure they would drive the ten miles to town before they shit in a bucket. They need to get mountainfied. This is still a frontier. This ain't the eastern Sierra; This is the wilderness. This ain't no ranchette outside of Portland. It's dark here after the sun goes down. Large cats sharpen their claws on trees eight feet up the trunk. The bears get drunk on over ripe black-berries and come to dinner. On Sunday a grizzly knocked over my neighbors fence at 1200 Happy Camp rd and he was afraid to go outside and lock up the chicken coup. He had to call the State police. I'm going to drive down later and give him my number. Next time he can call me. I just got a bigger caliber rifle out of the safe. No wonder the neighbor's dog been barking. Yeah....Everybody ought to come to Bradland ....get a new perspective on what you got.
I was in the city the last three days. Arrived home to an "offer'' for Bradland. After three days in the city I'm not so froggy to jump.( 105, 102,.105.101,...the high temperatures on the days I was there). The buyers are local boys whom have looked in Josephine county and realize there is not much land for sale at the price of Bradland. I like Josephine county. They think they can make it work. I admire their spirit. I hope they come up with a solid offer and the 60k down in the next ten days......
People keep asking me what will I do if I sell this property? Go to Italy. Go to China. Be nineteen. Become a hundred millionaire. Play jazz harmonica. Be Happy. Get old and nice. Alice and Brad lost in their lands. Anyway, another year older and it was a good one.
While I was celebrating did the world stop? Is the Iranian revolution for freedom over ? Did Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett come back to life? Every news broadcast I've seen is All about Michael Jackson . There's a memorial at the Apollo theatre; Everybody's Attorney, There's Joe Jackson sounding like a car salesman; And there is that microphone sucking Al Sharpton . Let the sensationalism start! Of course, he's really no worse than all the other players, dance contests, talent shows, reverends, etc whom will commercialize Michaels death into a three ring circus. Reminds me of the story of the Colonel opening a meeting after Elvis's death by flatly stating, " This changes nothing".
You could call into to the entertainment shows to cast your vote today, " Who was the best entertainer, Michael, Elvis, or the Beatles?" (Longevity will be in the music, not the dance, I believe).
Just one of the sick questions, viewers of various shows can express an opinion on. You would think some of this is a little premature though. Couldn't we at least wait for the guy to be buried before the real circus begins? I personally think they're going to keep the concert dates and Michael is going to make his greatest comeback ever during the Thriller segment......
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