Monday, July 27, 2009

Hot in the Pacific Northwest

Global warming? The people in the Northeast USA might argue that they haven't seen Summer this year, but it has been, and continues to be, HOT in the west. Last week I went south on I-5 and found it necessary to travel after dark; it is too hot at 100 plus degrees to travel on the motorcycle during the day. The air is like a body size hair-blower, 105 degress at 80 miles per hour. Add the heat of the sun reflected off the asphalt, or worse, the white concrete of the road, and the heat off the engine, and you have all the ingredients for broiled Brad. In the 350 miles between Grants Pass and Sactown you can lose a hat size under your helmet.
Normally the Pacific Northwest doesn't suffer these 100 plus degree temperatures. I am three miles from the California border so Bradland endures some heat every year but people in Portland and Seattle are usually a lot cooler. I have decided to add an air conditioner to the new room. It's about time I suffered a little comfort while others are miserable. As a matter of fact I've been considering a central heat and air unit for the Octoberfest room. Right after I get the toilet hooked to the septic tank and have a place to shit that flushes. You prissy mothers.
Constuction continues. The exterior is complete on one side, half done on the other, unstarted on the third; right on schedule. I work on the place before noon and after five. As the sun chases the shade around the building I move from place to place until it's so hot there is no place to work without melting. Then it's time to eat and take a nap. Just kidding. Nobody can sleep in this heat. At least not without climate control.
I was in Grants Pass earlier and the thermometer read 107 at the bank.103 at another. The bank in Cave Junction read 99 at 7:30 this evening. Every swimming hole on the 28 mile drive was packed with people trying to beat the heat . I think it's time to retrieve the kayak from the valley and become a river rat again. Anyway there's the weather report from this side of the world.

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