Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Busy in the Summer

I'd like to pass off my lack of communication with the outside world recently as being a result of having a life and being to busy to sit down and write; The truth is ......( Whenever the "truth" is proclaimed one has to be very careful, especially if they are the proclaimee. The truth changes with new knowledge all the time. When it comes to truths about oneself , we often can't see the forest for the trees, and are myopic to our personal shortcomings.) ........I've been depressed. Well, kinda.......
Every time I think this property is going to actually SELL, and the next adventure is about to begin, the deal dies and so does the excitement of a new road. My Aunt says I don't seem unhappy on the old road. The truth is.... ( there it is again) the old road gets better every day and in todays economic climate that's nothing to complain about.
Mostly I get impatient; I get tired of inching ahead, I want to leap forward. I don't like waiting for the next check and the materials it will buy to continue building the Octoberfest room, I want to Build it now! I want production and accomplishment at a rate I can't financially sustain. I want the world and I want it NOW.
When construction stops due to lack of funds, ...I'll spend the food money on materials. Diet. Once the food money is being negotiated for materials it's only a matter of time before all aspects of my financial life start to feel the squeeze. Is there gas money? What if something breaks down? Can I afford a trip to the city and Love? When I'm tapped out will there be weed to smoke while I play spider Solitaire? All for a shack I want to sell. Damned when I do, Bored when I don't. Busy is better.
Anyway, I was just thinking what if China wanted to build a pipeline to Mexico through Southern Oregon and the locals had to become Taliban to resist the foreign profiteers? Ridiculous huh?
Bring the troops home now. Investigate and pursue the illegal actions of the previous administration. Bring our own countries criminals (Bush, Cheney etc.) to justice . Get busy. It's Summer.


Ps - A room with a view

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