Saturday, April 17, 2010

The New Venue

Forty months later, the adventure into the mountains of southern Oregon has come to an end. I'm hiding amongst the masses now in the flatlands. The adjustment is painful; Someone is always following you in the city, too closely most often, and everyone is in a hurry. An old slowrider with no where to go, and no hurry to get there, like me, is a pain in the ass to all the rest of the Gran Prix team racing to work. Living in the city I remember why I bought a shoulder holster; Damn young people everywhere! Oh well, a new venue to observe, a new adventure, opportunity and love. It seems to have my love, I left my love, and must be brokenhearted for one or the other. Bradland was the best adventure of my life, Bradland was the worst adventure of my life. I lost tens of thousands, I made tens of thousands. I suffered, I rejoiced. Bradland took me through peaks and valleys, and I can only hope those whom shared some part of it with me have prospered from the experience. For the moment life is at 

Thanks for sharing your addresses with me, Bradman

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