I spent the day at the State Fair. Cal Expo (short for California Exposition) hasn't changed much since the last time I attended; Bad food for exorbitant prices, $8 dollar beers, Hawkers selling everything from SHAM-wow to Health bracelets, Carnie's wanting you to toss a ball and win a prize. At five dollars a toss you could buy the prize and have money left over. Obviously the state fair is not set up for people whom are money minded and penny conscious. That might explain why so many of the fair goer's are young people in their teens and early twenties. It is a chance, however, to observe some young artist's work in the fine arts and crafts, see the farm animals, watch the next generation have their turn at being young, and generally reminisce about my many trips to the fair, in the days of hair (as when I had some).
There was a 9/11 exhi
bit. An I beam from the towers was there for people to look at. I guess people should see the metal that supposedly failed, in the only collapse of a steel framed building due to fire .....EVER. Absolute horse-shit. Only concentrated heat could have cut those beams. As in thermite. It has almost been ten years since 9/11. The US has now spent a trillion dollars on the war on terror. Half of the American people realize that the planes didin't bring down those towers. When is there going to be a stop to this Sham? And a trillion dollars later ............... What do we have to show for our money?,....a busted economy. Thousands of veterans with needs now, and in the future, whom have no where to bring their problems but home. A war in Afghanistan we'll soon be retreating from. An occupation in Iraq we'll soon be leaving, and be hated for. And a nation about to disintegrate in racial tension and religious civil war. No? Well then why all the uproar about a mosque three blocks from "ground zero" . ? ( Ground Zero is just further bullshit. The former Towers should be called the "Bush Bomb" Site.) And how can the war on terror not be Religious war when the targets are all Muslim? It is very slippery for the American people to say they're not targeting all Muslims, but then balk at the idea of a mosque too close to the Bush bomb site. Speaking of "dividing factors"...
At a time when we have
a " post race president" , meaning after race mattered, we also have the "New Black Panther" party, The Tea Party, and Shirley Sherrod , agricultural employee whom uses words like " his own kind", (referring to whites)............ and they're not racist. Yeah. Let me just call a spade a spade. They're all racist. And as times get harder, money gets tighter, and people look to "take care of our own" , racial tensions are going to heighten and be exploited. Why not? It would appear in the speeches of Reverend Wright to his black congregation, and Shirley Sherrod's speech at the NAACP, that racial division is privately acceptable when speaking to one's "own kind". I would bet the "new" Black Panther party isn't an equal opportunity employer, either, despite anything they might say.

In other words, ...It's all a bunch of Hypocritical Hollywood (as in act) Hot air. I admire the Panthers for at least being honest enough to declare what they're all about up front......being Black. That's more than Shirley Sherrod has done. And I saw her speech, full context or not, it was a black woman bragging about having power over a white man, and using racist terms.
Pure racist...... and I validate that statement by this one.....Shirley would have never given that speech to an audience with white listeners in it. Period. Therefore it was racist. Designed for an audience of Blacks. Racist. On a final note, we will see if Sherrod was as fair as she says in her job....Fox will have all the dirt on her tommorrow. I say,........( that's enough time and thought on the matter) FIRE HER! (But who am I ) . (see photo)
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