Thursday, July 8, 2010

Skip Frame

Humans, the organic computer, are about to be re-programmed. After much discussion with people whom don't know better, it is our decision that humans are organic computers. Computers left here on the planet Earth to multiply, evolve, and give the Higher Power a glimpse of their potential for original thought. Original thought, being outside the box, is very dangerous to the Status Quo, and should be studied for dangers to the powers that be. Higher Powers see it that way. That's about the only purpose I can see to the experiment of humanity, thus.... The Skip Frame Theory, .... LIFE is broken down into NANO-seconds, a time frame so small that it encapsulates every impulse in the brain, cumulative which is your life. But under extreme circumstances the brain can process impulses\NANO-seconds at a rate the puts existence on another time plane ,,, ie,....I was driving down the road on my motorcycle. A car pulled out in front of me. I knew I was going to hit the car, I hit the foot-brake, the motorcycle started to skid, and then it happened,......the world stopped around me. Literally stopped. LIFE was no longer a movie, passing by in NANO-seconds of smooth brain impulse. LIFE miraculously had become a slide show, instantaneously impulse process increased in speed until each NANO-second became a frame in it self. A frame of time expanded 100 times in relation to it's normal process time.. As each frame passed to the next, I was a little closer to hitting the car, skipping ahead slightly but slowing also, but I suddenly had plenty of "frames" to assess the situation, slightly turn the motorcycle, step off , spin around, and still standing, watch as the world went from SKIP-FRAME to NANO-seconds and the motorcycle crashed into the car. I had jumped time dimensions. In SKIP-FRAME I had become a Super computer. Able to process NANO's so fast that TIME DIMENSIONS and capabilities changed. SKIP FRAME is when your mental state jumps to a speed so in excess of NANO that fractions of a second become lengthy, and you exist in a different dimension of time then the world as you know it. Only on occasion of great danger has my own life jumped to SKIP-FRAME. It is not something that I can consciously do. It could be harmful to oneself, I don't know. I do know that the dimension exists. I've been there and it is to exist in the same world on a different plane.
The Skip-Frame theory is this: As man evolves and his brain is able to process impulses "naturally" at speeds that only seem possible now under abnormal conditions , Time will elongate, as well as life spans. Why? If one could live in SKIP-FRAME where NANO's are seconds, than seconds would be hours, hours weeks, a lifetime forever. One would age in reverse; live an hour, age a second. Not that I understand Einstein, but according to his theory of relativity, as speed increases doesn't time slow down? If the mind suddenly can process impulse 100 times quicker than a NANO -second earlier, doesn't a second become a hundred times longer? Stepping off a moving motorcycle 100 times easier? (yes) Living a hundred times longer the norm? Einstein's relativity was a time/space thing I think, but mine is the relation of impulse to existence. The end result the same, time slows down as we process quicker/ travel faster. When a second is plenty of time, than a lifetime can be enough. (Enough being forever)
I was kidding about the re-programing part. Without great fear involved, I have no idea how to naturally stimulate a body into a state of SKIP-FRAME. I do like the idea of being able to go there at will though. One can achieve so much when minutes become days. No doubt another dimension of time exists, I've been there. We just haven't evolved enough to get there for more than a moment. Not yet. Some re-programming may be in order.

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